[tz] Samoa awakes to time change confusion

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Mon Sep 27 01:20:30 UTC 2021

The Samoa Observer's James Robertson reported today that much of Samoa 
woke up in confusion today as mobile phones, computers, and other 
cellular-enabled devices displayed the time as 10:00 when it was in fact 
09:00. Many reportedly arrived at church early because their cell phones 
incorrectly sprang forward. An anonymous employee at Digicel said that 
Digicel hadn't been given enough notice. Vodafone Samoa apparently did 
not respond to media inquiry.

The Observer's Marc Membrere reports tomorrow that the president of the 
Samoa Information Technology Association (S.I.T.A.) criticized the 
government for not consulting tech experts about the effect of changing 
DST rules with so little notice.


Robertson J. Nation awakes to time change confusion. Samoa Observer. 
2021-09-26. https://www.samoaobserver.ws/category/samoa/92122

Membrere M. "Daylight savings change rushed: S.I.T.A." Samoa Observer. 
2021-09-27. https://www.samoaobserver.ws/category/samoa/92126

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