[tz] Some thoughts about the way forward

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Fri Sep 24 10:37:18 UTC 2021

On Fri, 24 Sept 2021 at 11:05, Eliot Lear via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> Before you put out a "good final position", could you please respond to
> Paul on his compromise proposal.

I think I did just that.

The compromise of a short delay is good. The compromise position of
smaller chunks of link-merging is unnecessary if we can agree on a
better alternate solution. Once a better approach is agreed we can lay
down a specific plan in advance to roll it out, effectively
side-stepping the negative aspects of multiple separate link-merges.
As such, it makes no sense to have any link merging in 2021b.

(Paul's compromise position is unclear as to whether he intends to
have no link-merging in 2021b, or just a smaller amount. Given the
immediate damage a link-merge causes Joda-Time's millions of users, I
don't have the ability to compromise on the contents of 2021b wrt
link-merging. But I do have the ability to seek a consensus solution
that can be rolled out in a planned manner, even if that requires
changes to Joda-Time.)


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