[tz] Change Request: Europe/Kiev to Europe/Kyiv

Oleksandr Leskiv sasha26.05.2012 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 15:38:38 UTC 2022

The history of timezones has some existing cases where a specific timezone
has been renamed. For example, the *Asia/Calcutta* timezone has been deemed
obsolete and replaced by *Asia/Kolkata*.
In Ukraine, according to international standards, there is a timezone
called *Europe/Kiev*. The capital of Ukraine is officially and
internationally should be spelled as "Kyiv". "Kiev" is an incorrect version
that emerged a long time before the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
We have a really large community of programmers that would like to start
the process of renaming the Europe/Kiev timezone to Europe/Kyiv. We
understand that it will take a long time for everybody to transition, but
it has to be done in the long term.

Sincerely, Oleksandr.
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