[tz] Change Request: Europe/Kiev to Europe/Kyiv

Jonathan Leffler jonathan.leffler at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 18:49:57 UTC 2022

I agree that the time has probably come to make the switch, leaving the old
spelling as a backwards compatibility link.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 12:40 Derick Rethans via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> This has been a contentious point on this list for quite some time now.
> Back when it was first raised the argument against changing it was that
> English media continued to primarily use Kiev. I then agreed with that
> assessment.
> This has now changed, and you'd be hard to press finding English speaking
> media to not use Kyiv. So now I also believe it is the right moment to
> switch this and make Europe/Kiev the back link to Europe/Kyiv.
> cheers
> Derick
> On 11 April 2022 16:38:38 BST, Oleksandr Leskiv via tz <tz at iana.org>
> wrote:
> >The history of timezones has some existing cases where a specific timezone
> >has been renamed. For example, the *Asia/Calcutta* timezone has been
> deemed
> >obsolete and replaced by *Asia/Kolkata*.
> >In Ukraine, according to international standards, there is a timezone
> >called *Europe/Kiev*. The capital of Ukraine is officially and
> >internationally should be spelled as "Kyiv". "Kiev" is an incorrect
> version
> >that emerged a long time before the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.
> >We have a really large community of programmers that would like to start
> >the process of renaming the Europe/Kiev timezone to Europe/Kyiv. We
> >understand that it will take a long time for everybody to transition, but
> >it has to be done in the long term.
> >
> >Sincerely, Oleksandr.
> >TakeUsEat.
> --
Jonathan Leffler <jonathan.leffler at gmail.com>  #include <disclaimer.h>
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