[tz] Why Kyiv has not been changed yet?

Artur Nakonia artur2.nakonia at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 19:18:39 UTC 2022

 > "Correct" in the English language is determined solely by the
> usage of the community of English speakers, not by the
> organized brigading of a technical mailing list.
> No state has any authority over the language.

“Correct” in the English language could only be determined by the rule of
English grammar. Sometimes people consider “correct” as being “standard
form of spoken or written English”, but this applies only for the specific
communities (it can be a very large group, even in the form of a country).
Although any dialect of English is also considered to be correct. Standard
English has grammatical differences in different countries; therefore no
one can name a single form of English as “correct” English.

> As it happens, the maintainer of tzdb has made a judgment
> that English usage has sufficiently shifted to justify changing
> the internal database identifier for this time zone. In the absence
> of actual urgent changes to timekeeping, this does not on its own
> justify a new tzdb release.

So, the tzdb does not provide a real course of the event rather than a
judgment of its maintainers?

вс, 10 июл. 2022 г. в 19:01, Garrett Wollman <wollman at csail.mit.edu>:

> On July 10, 2022 11:23:52 AM EDT, Artur Nakonia via tz <tz at iana.org>
> wrote:
> >What is the problem with Kyiv?
> >Why it is still as Kiev?
> "Correct" in the English language is determined solely by the usage of the
> community of English speakers, not by the organized brigading of a
> technical mailing list. No state has any authority over the language.
> As it happens, the maintainer of tzdb has made a judgment that English
> usage has sufficiently shifted to justify changing the internal database
> identifier for this time zone. In the absence of actual urgent changes to
> timekeeping, this does not on its own justify a new tzdb release.
> -GAWollman
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