[tz] Historical data for Iran
Steffen Nurpmeso
steffen at sdaoden.eu
Thu Jun 2 22:45:42 UTC 2022
Michael H Deckers wrote in
<6dfd80b9-b132-a33b-aee3-8f7181a44efe at googlemail.com>:
| What really can be stated on the basis
| of the referenced document is that
| On 1935-06-13, UT + 03:30 was already
| in use as Tehran time, so that the
| switch from LMT to UT + 03:30 cannot
| have occurred as late as 1946 (as
| specified by Shanks & Pottenger).
Iran was divided and well occupied by England and the Soviet Union
under yes support of the USA from 1941 until de-facto 1946, as far
as i know. The government tried and pulled all possible triggers
to gain back a bit of sovereignity, including the Sha resigning in
favour of his son.
What i mean is that the time span from 1941 to 1946 is of
a fragile sort. Maybe this is what drove _this_ 1946 here.
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
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