[tz] New change in Mexico

Tim Parenti tim at timtimeonline.com
Tue Nov 29 22:51:38 UTC 2022

On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 at 17:39, Deborah Goldsmith via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:

> Does anyone know the geographical boundary between America/Ciudad_Juarez
> and America/Ojinaga? Is there some geographical feature like a river that
> demarcates the boundary between them? The law didn’t say anything about
> that; it just lists municipalities. Do these municipalities abut each other
> so we can use those boundaries?

Unfortunately, some of the specifically listed municipalities are actually
quite distant from one another.

Presuming this change might soon happen, I had surmised the following in
"Assuming an extension of the Texas' time zone boundary between Hudspeth
and Presidio Counties, that would put such a dividing line near Lomas de
Arena in Chihuahua."

I'd imagine that's at least close enough to the intent here to suffice
until it more clearly emerges what folks are actually observing locally.

Tim Parenti
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