[tz] Wrong timezone Information provided
Guy Harris
gharris at sonic.net
Thu Oct 6 19:49:26 UTC 2022
On Oct 5, 2022, at 11:11 PM, Markus Torshizi Moghaddam via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> some weeks ago the timezone data for Europe/Luxembourg changed on your side and a “Link Europe/Brussels Europe/Luxembourg” was added to https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tzdb/europe. This is wrong and results in the wrong timezone for Luxembourg and the wrong calculated time within Outlook and other applications.
Is this all on Windows, or are there any UN*X systems - Linux, macOS, etc. - involved? I don't know whether anything in Windows, or any software from Microsoft that runs on Windows, uses the tzdb; there might be non-Microsoft software for Windows that does.
For software that *does* use the tzdb, in tzdb-2022a, the information for Europe/Luxembourg was
Zone Europe/Luxembourg 0:24:36 - LMT 1904 Jun
1:00 Lux CE%sT 1918 Nov 25
0:00 Lux WE%sT 1929 Oct 6 2:00s
0:00 Belgium WE%sT 1940 May 14 3:00
1:00 C-Eur WE%sT 1944 Sep 18 3:00
1:00 Belgium CE%sT 1977
1:00 EU CE%sT
and in tzdb-2022b, Europe/Luxembourg is a link to Europe/Brussels, and the Zone information for Europe/Brussels is
Zone Europe/Brussels 0:17:30 - LMT 1880
0:17:30 - BMT 1892 May 1 00:17:30
0:00 - WET 1914 Nov 8
1:00 - CET 1916 May 1 0:00
1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1918 Nov 11 11:00u
0:00 Belgium WE%sT 1940 May 20 2:00s
1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Sep 3
1:00 Belgium CE%sT 1977
1:00 EU CE%sT
The last two entries are identical; as of 1944-09-18, those are the entries in effect for both tzdb regions, so, unless the applications you are referring to are dealing with dates prior to 1944-09-18, there should be no difference whatsoever due to the tzdb change.
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