[tz] What's your idea of a perfect date?

Fred Gleason fredg at paravelsystems.com
Tue Oct 11 15:59:10 UTC 2022

On Oct 11, 2022, at 11:40, Brooks Harris via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:

> I once had a check from a UK client (wait, I guess it must have been a cheque?) with a date like "19-7-2015". My American bank would not accept it because the date made no sense to them. It took phone calls and a visit to the bank to sort it out. :-)

Even weirder (from a strictly parochial American POV) is a convention I’ve seen in German documents from the the early/mid-twentieth century (and perhaps today?), where the year would be expressed in Roman numerals. Thus: s/19-7-1932/19-7-XXXII/.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|  The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them   |
|  to choose from.                                                    |
|                                                                     |
|                                            -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum   |

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