[tz] Mexico on track to abolish DST

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Oct 28 20:26:51 UTC 2022

On 2022-10-28 10:40, gera via tz wrote:
> Hello again.
> The most official thing I can get by now, is the following tweet from 
> Rocio Nahle, who is the current Secretary for Energy, which shows the 
> change for America/Chihuahua:
> https://twitter.com/rocionahle/status/1585682205417799688
> In the picture, Chihuahua (the one on the top left) is now shown in the 
> same timezone than Mexico/General. It also shows that, for some 
> municipalities in the border with USA (such as America/Ojinaga), they'll 
> keep the DST.

Right, so that says Ojinaga will now agree with the nearby Presidio, 
Texas (-06 with US DST rules), which makes sense.

On the other hand it also says that the much larger Ciudad Juárez (which 
will become -06 with US DST rules) will now start to disagree with the 
nearby El Paso (-07 with US DST rules) - that is, starting Sunday the 
two neighboring cities will almost invariably disagree about the time of 
day. I'm not seeing any news items talking about this situation, which 
is a curious thing for a binational metro area with a population of 2.7 
million (mostly in Mexico).

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