[tz] Mexico on track to abolish DST
Paul Eggert
eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Fri Oct 28 21:21:21 UTC 2022
On 2022-10-28 14:11, gera via tz wrote:
> Well, actually I used Ojinaga as an example, but most of the northern
> municipalities (if not all) will keep aligned with USA DST rules, as
> read on the same note you quoted:
> https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/nacional/2022/10/26/adios-al-horario-de-verano-en-que-consiste-la-nueva-ley-de-husos-horarios-451939.html
> This includes Ciudad Juárez, certainly.
I wasn't focusing on Ciudad Juárez using DST; that's pretty clear and
there's nothing new there.
I was focusing on Ciudad Juárez not changing its clocks next weekend
(November 6), thus staying on -06 instead of falling back to -07 like El
Paso will. This is a major change, because until now Ciudad Juárez has
stayed pretty much in lock-step with El Paso.
Is it really the case that Juárez will not fall back on November 6, and
will thus start disagreeing with El Paso? Is there news coverage of this
Another possibility, depending on how the new law is written, is that
Ciudad Juárez is legally required to spring forward this weekend from
-06 to -05 because DST will still be in effect when Chihuahua moves to
-06 this weekend; and then Ciudad Juárez will be legally required to
fall back next weekend from -05 to -06 because it will be following the
US DST rules. But even if the new law is written that way, it's hard to
believe that people in Mexico will actually follow the law as written.
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