[tz] leap_second.list not updated after latest IERS Bulletin C

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at meinberg.de
Tue Dec 19 17:29:09 UTC 2023

I've just received a confirmation from the guys at IERS that they will 
pick up all the suggested changes for the next version of the NTP leap 
second file that will be published at the beginning of January 2024.

So let's see what the next version of the leap second file will look like.


Paul Eggert wrote:
> On 2023-12-15 01:31, Martin Burnicki wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure they have no problem making the file "public domain" 
>> but the question arises as to what wording should be used to express 
>> this in a way that will be accepted by the TZ DB project.
>> Has anyone ever suggested a formulation that meets the requirement of 
>> the TZDB project, and told them why this was a requirement?
> Yes, I suggested some wording in an email archived here:
> https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2016-February/023214.html
> The wording was:
> #      This file is in the public domain.
> and there was some explanation in that email. I vaguely recall 
> corresponding with them directly around then, but don't remember details.
> It sounds like you have better connections and so perhaps you could 
> forward this email to them.
> While we're on the topic, a few more suggestions:
> * It'd be helpful if the file did not contain trailing white space, as 
> that raises some red flags in some text editors and version control 
> systems.
> * The phrase "see the README file in the 'sources' directory" should be 
> reworded so that the file can stand alone, e.g., by replacing it with 
> the phrase "see 
> <https://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/ntp/sources/README>".
> * The file should suggest the more-secure HTTPS protocol instead of the 
> less-secure FTP protocol.
> Proposed patch attached (this patch does not recompute the hash code).

Martin Burnicki

Senior Software Engineer

MEINBERG Funkuhren GmbH & Co. KG
Email: martin.burnicki at meinberg.de
Phone: +49 5281 9309-414
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martinburnicki/

Lange Wand 9, 31812 Bad Pyrmont, Germany
Amtsgericht Hannover 17HRA 100322
Geschäftsführer/Managing Directors: Günter Meinberg, Werner Meinberg, 
Andre Hartmann, Heiko Gerstung
Websites: https://www.meinberg.de  https://www.meinbergglobal.com
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