[tz] Recommendations to governments about time zone update notice period and format

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Wed Mar 8 07:55:52 UTC 2023

On 2023-03-06 03:41, Neil Fuller via tz wrote:
> [*] e.g. maybe something like "Many downstream users of the TZDB wait ...

Thanks for the suggested wording. I folded it into a new section in 
tz-link.html, with the title "Coordinating with governments and 
distributors", by installing the attached proposed patch. Once it's 
released (which should be soon, for Egypt) we can cite this URL:


Further comments welcome of course.

Brian suggested something more ambitious (and more laborious...).

I sometimes wonder how the IATA's process works for updating the SSIM's 
time zone appendix. Since they charge $1000/year for the SSIM I've never 
used it directly.
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