[tz] Request for Standardization of Kyiv Time Zone Naming

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Nov 11 20:43:40 UTC 2023

On 2023-11-10 00:47, Dmytro Shynkarenko via tz wrote:
> the previous spelling, "Kiev" still appears in
> some instances. Please confirm if this is intended for backward
> compatibility with existing systems. And if so, is there a planned timeline
> for its eventual deprecation in favor of the updated "Kyiv" spelling?

Yes, "Europe/Kiev" is present for backward compatibility.

The name is already deprecated, as it's in TZDB's optional "backward" 
file.[1] Although TZDB users need not install this file and we don't 
recommend using the names it defines, downstream users typically install 
the file anyway, as they value compatibility more than being up-to-date.

PS. In looking for "Kiev" in the TZDB source I found two instances in 
comments that I think nowadays are more likely to cause confusion than 
cure it. I installed the attached patch to try to address this.

[1]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eggert/tz/main/backward
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