[tz] Did Greenland abolish daylight saving from 2024 on?

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Sat Nov 18 03:44:07 UTC 2023

On 2023-11-17 15:18, Guy Harris wrote:

> It's not "right" in the sense of being, apparently, what POSIX intends, but it's definitely "right" as in meaning

Sorry, I'm lost, as I don't rightly know what you meant "'right'" here, 
and I don't know what you think POSIX intends.

> it is not clear to me from the current spec.

I've tried to explain but apparently have failed so far. If you file a 
bug report with the Austin Group please let me know its coordinates; I 
can try to clarify there. I'm confident of the thrust of the 
interpretation I gave - though I guess I shouldn't be so confident in 
the quality of my explanation so far....

>> Most sources that go to that level of precision can plausibly be called the speech of time or computer nerds (and this includes the Wikipedia page you just edited :-).
> What level of precision is that?  The level of precision in which Ireland is on "Daylight Saving Time" during the winter?

Yes, that sort of thing. Hardly anybody cares about this stuff except 
time nerds.

> Well, in the context of one of those places.  What about Ireland?

Ireland too. Here's an example:


It says, "Technically speaking, Irish Standard Time is UTC+1, we are on 
daylight saving time when the clock goes back.... Both the UK and 
European countries move to a +1 offset for summer time. Ireland 
technically moves to a -1 offset from UTC+1 for winter time. So in 
practical terms were on the same time as the UK due to the opposite offset."

There are examples the other way, too. More common, I think, is that 
people in Ireland say "summer time" and "winter time" instead of 
"standard time" and "daylight saving time", as this happily avoids any 
confusion about which of Greenwich Mean Time and Irish Standard Time is 
standard time, and which is daylight saving time.

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