[tz] Hard copy of TZdata2023?

Doug Ewell doug at ewellic.org
Fri Oct 20 21:21:13 UTC 2023

Alexandre Petrescu wrote:

> But the names of the timezones are a much more difficult matter. The
> names of cities, countries or regions are so difficult to identify.
> It comes down to manually grepping 'city' to identify the continent
> file, and then vi to search for the Zone.  The principal difficulty in
> this is to write down 'city' in the right way; and that way is not
> necessarily the correct way of writing 'city'.  There is an additional
> difficulty in identifying _which_ city is representative for a
> particular place whose time and DST I need, but that is a geography
> problem.

GeoNames (https://www.geonames.org/) is your friend. It lists millions of places, each with an associated tzid, and most with a variety of localized names.

> Additionally, one might not have a usable computer to store that data
> to.   So all one could do is to rely on printed tables of most recent
> timezone data that was available when Internet was last available.

Well, sure, if you can’t even assume the existence of a computer, then school’s pretty much out.

Doug Ewell, CC, ALB | Lakewood, CO, US | ewellic.org

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