[tz] Extending winter time in Palestine

Paul Eggert eggert at cs.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 25 20:46:55 UTC 2024

Thanks for letting us know. This means TZDB will need to change for the 
spring-forward transitions in 2024 and 2025. We might as well adjust 
predictions for later years to match, though of course this is just 
guesswork. I installed the attached proposed patch to TZDB to do all 
that. We hope to have a new TZDB release soon.

Given the short notice, likely many cell phones and computers will not 
be updated in time. It might help if you spread the word that people 
whose devices are not yet updated can work around the problem by 
manually setting their devices' time zones to Cairo time on April 13, 
and manually setting them back to Palestine time on April 20. This sort 
of hassle can be avoided in the future by giving longer notice of rule 
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