[tz] Kazakhstan timezone switch from 01.03.2024

Yegor Fyodorov support at web-design.lv
Wed Jan 31 15:13:30 UTC 2024

Dear sirs,

I want to notify you that Kazakstan's government made a decision to switch timezone for the whole country to one timezone only: UTC+5. Right now there are 2 timezones: UTC+5 and UTC+6.
The switch is going to happen on 1st march 2024. As far as I can see this change is not implemented in 2023d version of timezone database.
Is it possible to add this change? Kazakstan is a big country, so a lot of users will be affected. And there is only 1 month left to implement this change.

Some links for the news. Unfortunatelly official news are only in Russian / Kazakh language, but you can use google translate.

Kazakhstan will switch to a single time zone, UTC+05:00, on March 1, 2024:

According to Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan website:

Best regards,
Yegor Fyodorov    

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