[tz] [musl] Re: Weird PST8PDT and EST5EDT behavior on Alpine Linux

Guy Harris gharris at sonic.net
Sat Mar 9 01:57:14 UTC 2024

On Mar 8, 2024, at 11:02 AM, Rich Felker via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:

> It's not so much that we ignore it (it's present in tzname[1], and
> would get applied if you use mktime with tm_isdst=1), just that, in
> the absence of a transition rule for it, it's never considered active.
> I don't think this is a particularly good behavior (even though it is
> allowed by POSIX) but nothing great has been proposed as an
> alternative.

The executive summary of this thread appears to be:

	Use XXXnnnYYY TZ settings at your own risk, as there's no guarantee how they'll behave.  If you want predictable behavior, either use POSIX settings or, if tzdb is present, tzdb settings.

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