[tz] [PATCH v2] tzfile.5: Fix indentation

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Mon Mar 18 13:00:47 UTC 2024

NetBSD maintains the same pages (https://nxr.netbsd.org/search?q=&project=src&defs=&refs=&path=lib%2Flibc%2Ftime&hist=) in mandoc format which is a semantics based format as opposed to a presentation one like man, if that's helpful.


> On Mar 17, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Paul Eggert via tz <tz at iana.org> wrote:
> On 2024-03-17 15:20, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
>> In case you want to have a quick look at how it looks, here's an example
>> from the Linux man-pages:
>> <https://www.alejandro-colomar.es/share/dist/man-pages/git/HEAD/man-pages-HEAD.pdf#pdf%3Abm12325>
> Yes, unfortunately that looks subpar to me. There's too much space between the bullets and the text they're bulleting. For example, in the last page of man-pages(7) the bullets should be indented with respect to the parent text, and there should be less space between the bullets and the text. Much better is what tzfile(5) does now (see attached); this is particularly important when something is nested under the bullet level, as it is in tzfile(5). The current tzfile(5) bulleting approach is closer to how Joe Ossanna used bullets in section 7.2 of the Nroff/Troff User's Manual (1976)[1], which is what I learned troff from. (Ossanna doesn't subindent so his larger indents are not that much of a problem in the manual, but tzfile(5) needs to subindent.)
> There are other things not to like about the man page PDF output. The man pages are confused about when to use constant-width fonts vs varying-width fonts. The lines are too long to read comfortably; this is inherent to how a good font squeezes in more text. Indents are too large in general. The PDF man pages should be formatted for smaller pages, or with tons more margin, or two-column, or something. Of course I realize we can't fix all this, as there's long tradition of hasty and/or bad formatting dating back to 7th Edition Unix man pages. Still, if someone wants to make little improvements we should let them.
>> Surprising as it may be, Debian's man2html(1) could
>> handle (probably by ignoring them; I didn't really check) previous uses
>> of \w, but started crashing with \w in IP.  Did you receive a copy of
>> the Debian bug report?
> I followed up separately to that. In short, that man2html appears to be unmaintained upstream and should be retired, but I sent in a patch anyway.
> [1]: https://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Documentation/Manuals/Unix_4.0/Volume_1/C.1.2_NROFF_TROFF_Users_Manual.pdf<tzfile.5-page-1.pdf>

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