[UA-discuss] Use Cases

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Thu Dec 17 00:15:40 UTC 2015

During recent calls, there’s been a desire for some UA Use Cases.

This from a document we had developed some time ago.

I would welcome people’s suggestions for which of these should be tested - as there’s a cost associated with testing each one.


Universal Acceptance
Use Cases for UA Readiness Evaluation

Purpose: To provide Use Cases for developers to use when evaluating the UA Readiness of their systems.   This list will provide generic examples as well as specific names that can be used for testing.

Background:   Background on Universal Acceptance to go here

Domain Names:  Examples

•      secondlevel.toplevel

•      域名.toplevel

•      secondlevel.域名

•      域名.域名

•      secondlevel.punycode

•      punycode.toplevel

•      punycode.punycode

•      Second. חלק עליון(Right-to-left TLD)

•      שני. חלק עליון (Right-to-left second level and top-level)

Path Cases (IRIs)

•      secondlevel.toplevel/unicode

•      域名.toplevel/unicode

•      secondlevel.域名/unicode

•      域名.域名/Unicode

•      secondlevel.punycode/unicode

•      punycode.toplevel/unicode

•      punycode.punycode/unicode

•      Second. חלק עליון/Unicode (Right-to-left TLD)

•      שני. חלק עליון /Unicode (Right-to-left second level and top-level)

E-mail Addresses:
•       localpart at domain.tld<mailto:localpart at domain.tld>
•       localpart@域名.tld
•       localpart @domain.域名
•       localpart@域名.域名<mailto:localpart@域名.域名>
•       localpart at domain.punycode<mailto:localpart at domain.punycode>
•       localpart at punycode.tld<mailto:localpart at punycode.tld>
•       localpart at punycode.punycode<mailto:localpart at punycode.punycode>
•       域名@域名.域名
•       שני. חלק עליון@localpart
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