[UA-discuss] What is the scope of Universal Acceptance? (was Re: this would be amusing if it wasn't so predictable)

Mark Svancarek marksv at microsoft.com
Thu Feb 19 22:30:28 UTC 2015

It’s a fair question.  Here the failure happens when editing the non-email portion of an online profile.

Comparing the page to our existing requirements:

·        Allows entry of international chars into UI input controls - WORKS

·        Can correctly render International strings - WORKS

·        Can correctly render RTL strings – NOT TESTED

·        Can communicate data between apps and services in formats which support Unicode and are convertible to/from UTF-8 – FAILS - REJECTS THE STRING

·        Offers public APIs which support Unicode & UTF-8 – NOT TESTED

·        Offers private APIs which support Unicode & UTF-8 (these private APIs apply only to inter-service calls by the same vendor) – NOT TESTED

·        Stores user data  values as a type which allows Unicode and is convertible to/from UTF-8 (visible only to the product/service owner) – FAILS - REJECTS THE STRING

·        Can send email to recipients with such email address – NOT TESTED

·        Can receive email from senders with such email address – NOT TESTED

·        Supports accounts associated with both an ASCII and Unicode email address – NOT TESTED

·        Supports all domain name strings in the Public Suffix List regardless of length – NOT TESTED

The site fails our criteria, though in a new context (not an email).

Does that make sense?

From: Francisco Arias [mailto:francisco.arias at icann.org]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:08 PM
To: Mark Svancarek; rmohan at afilias.info; M3 Sweatt; UA-discuss at icann.org
Subject: What is the scope of Universal Acceptance? (was Re: [UA-discuss] this would be amusing if it wasn't so predictable)

I’m not arguing about this, just would like to understand what is being proposed since, as far as I understand, so far, the scope has been the three issues I mentioned below. What would be the new scope of Universal Acceptance that is being proposed?


On 2/19/15, 11:40 AM, "Mark Svancarek" <marksv at microsoft.com<mailto:marksv at microsoft.com>> wrote:

It seems like it should be UA; we will need to add another requirement list for user input controls (can enter, renders, RTL, storage, APIs).

From: Ram Mohan [mailto:rmohan at afilias.info]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:23 AM
To: Francisco Arias; M3 Sweatt; Mark Svancarek; UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:UA-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: RE: [UA-discuss] this would be amusing if it wasn't so predictable

I’d consider this still in the UA area – since non-ASCII characters are not being accepted “natively”

From: Francisco Arias [mailto:francisco.arias at icann.org<mailto:francisco.arias at icann.org>]
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 2:17 PM
To: M3 Sweatt; Mark Svancarek; UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:UA-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] this would be amusing if it wasn't so predictable

Thanks for reporting this Mark, I’ll pass this report internally.

Now, this is not UA related since there is no new TLD, IDNs, or EAI involved, correct?


On 2/19/15, 10:26 AM, "M3 Sweatt" <msweatt at microsoft.com<mailto:msweatt at microsoft.com>> wrote:

I expect to see similar results when others attempt such updates. ;)

Perhaps this limitation can be addressed?

Sent from my Windows Phone. Replies may be brief and may have spelling errors.
From: Mark Svancarek<mailto:marksv at microsoft.com>
Sent: ‎2/‎19/‎2015 8:16 AM
To: UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: [UA-discuss] this would be amusing if it wasn't so predictable
I tried to update my ICANN profile page today:

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