[UA-discuss] Speakers for IGF in Brazil

Tan Tanaka, Dennis dtantanaka at verisign.com
Thu Mar 26 00:58:42 UTC 2015

+1 Rinalia

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 25, 2015, at 8:44 PM, Rinalia Abdul Rahim <rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com<mailto:rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com>> wrote:

Kurt et al.,

It would be worthwhile to also consider having a speaker that can speak from a "user" point of view as an indication of global demand for UA.



On Mar 20, 2015 9:53 AM, "Kurt Pritz" <kpritz at thedna.org<mailto:kpritz at thedna.org>> wrote:
Hi Everyone:

The UASG members that volunteered to work on a Universal Acceptance IGF Workshop proposal met and discussed a strategy for putting together a winning proposal. While speakers do not have to be named at this stage we think it is important that prospective speakers be named.

I am writing to ask for nominations for potential speakers.  Here is what we think is the best approach.

As I said, the IGF does not require that speakers be named at this stage because the event is not until November. If we do name them now, it is possible to change them later. (The IGF recognizes it is a long way until November.) However, we think that naming prospective speakers now would facilitate acceptance of our proposal for two reasons: it reflects planning, and it will allow us to highlight our pursuit of the meeting theme: inclusiveness and diversity.

Given that, we are looking for potential speakers with an understanding and experience dealing with UA issues plus some of the following attributes:

  *   From a developing country
  *   Technical understanding of and experience with IDN / EAI UA issues
  *   Communications professional with experience with our target audiences
  *   Experience dealing with UA inside one's own company
  *   Solving ASCII UA issues
  *   New to IGF

To us, the ideal speakers would be from developing countries and one or more of the attributes that follow that first one. This would give us the greatest chance at acceptance and matching the needs of many in the audience. I don't think we need to restrict ourselves to only those who are already planning to attend the meeting so nominate whoever you think would be great.

While we think we will put IDN issues first, it is just as important that we address ASCII UA issues also, so there should be a mix at the table. I understand that not all speakers will be from developing countries.

We will be using a modified roundtable format so long formal presentations are not required.

The link to more information is at http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/workshop-proposals/igf-guidelines-for-workshop-proposals-2015.

Please let me know your ideas right away, the deadline (30 Mar) is fast approaching. I can bring you or your proposed speaker up to speed. If you give me names, I can follow up with them directly.



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