[UA-discuss] ODG: Re: ODG: Re: Tim Cook's comments today regarding Google Pay

Ron Baione ron.baione at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 17 02:53:42 UTC 2015

"Ron, here’s the deal."

Ok, and the deal is...

"This is a group working to ensure that all domain names work with all software and that all email addresses work with all software.  Somebody decided to call that Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses, or Universal Acceptance for short."

I know that, my objection is to the UA official symbol included in the documents, not the phrase usage of universal acceptance.
"It’s not about the universe of anything else nor is it about the acceptance of anything else."

Never said UA was about the universe, but regarding the official symbol, it is a face without a mouth that has the words universal acceptance where the mouth would be.
"If you want to second-guess the name, you are being random."

Never did that...continue...

"If you want to expand the charter simply because the name implies a bigger charter to you and you alone, you are being random."

Tim Cook stated something of relevance to UA in my opinion, because he stated an impossibility in regards to the internet was inevitable in the short term, if you want to disagree with that statement applying to all humans and groups, especially internet based groups, you are free to do so.  

"If you want to discuss the politics of oligarchies, you are being random."

I would agree, but that never happened in the pure sense that you present that argument.  The U.S. oligarchy and Oligarchy mentions were discussed In the context of the relevant topic, there was no post where the topic was only oligarchies.

"If you want to argue about the definition of the word troll, you are being random."

If called a troll then someone logically has a right to respond to that accusation.
"If we ask you to stop being random, and you don’t, you are a pest. Right now, you are being a pest."

I asked you what the current UA topic of discussion was 2 days ago and you have yet to respond to that simple question.  Why?  Because there is no current discussion in this group other than a possible hackathon, employment available, and the occassional post generalizing about turning motivation into results.  I intellectually challenge you to identify the current topic of discussion.
"If you understand what I am saying, don’t respond."

I understand twhat you are saying, but it wasn't accurate, unless you can defend your arguments further intellectually.

"Don’t defend your randomness further.  Just be quiet and watch the rest of the group so you can learn and eventually contribute."

Nah.  Shh shouldn't be the official policy or symbol of any ICANN group.  Shh is the policy of American corporate boardrooms who actually don't have to listen to "nobodies", because they own their business, ICANN allows anyone with an interest in IG to participate.  Regardless of how long you've been involved, you own knowledge and position, but you don't own the right to tell others to be quiet.  Well you can say that, but no one will obey that 'order'.  Is that cool with you, boss?  Can I go back to my cubicle now?  Habe a hackathon about helping the disabled hear webpages as I suggested, a great idea, and the only reason why you won't  is because I came up with the idea.  We're all in this together bankers, CEO's, waiters, cleaners, the unemployed, doesn't matter.  What matters is the ideas.

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