[UA-discuss] Agenda for Call 23:00 UTC 28 Oct 2015

Jeff Sass jeff at get.club
Wed Oct 28 20:48:11 UTC 2015

Maybe a bit obvious but...



*Watch The Video <https://youtu.be/DXGXaTJ-hwQ>*

*Please note my new email: jeff at get.club*

*Jeffrey Sas**s*, CMO
*.CLUB Domains, LLC*
Direct: (+1) 954-256-9334
Mobile: (+1) 970-367-7277
E-Mail: jeff at get.club
Website: www.get.club
Twitter: @sass <http://www.twitter.com/sass>   @getDotClub
Skype, Hangouts: jwsass

*PLEASE NOTE*: *I am only checking email 2-3 times per day.  If something
is time sensitive (really time sensitive) please message me or text me at
the mobile number above.  Thanks!*

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Andre Schappo <A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>

> Ah! getready.ua is being considered as a domain name for this group. This
> works well
> I consider this group should lead by example by actually registering and
> actually using New gTLDs. It will be very easy to criticise this group if
> it does not also have New gTLD Domain Names. In fact it could be viewed as
> hypocrisy.
> So in addition to getready.ua I suggest ➜ getready.みんな
> This works so well as getready.みんな translates as getready.everyone
> +
> could also have a full japanese version. So I have popped get ready into
> google translate giving 準備をします.みんあ (hopefully someone on this list knows or
> has access to someone who knows Japanese??)
> I will browse through the New gTLDs and see if there are any others that
> work.
> Anyone have any other suggestions for additional Domain Names using New
> gTLDs?
> André Schappo
> On 28 Oct 2015, at 13:57, Yuriy Kargapolov wrote:
> > Dear ALL,
> >
> > Allow me some remarks about "Spending" item.
> > Domain getready.ua can be registered only if you have TM "getready" in
> Ukraine.
> > If this issue is principal I as resident of Ukraine can try to solve
> special one problem without of problem, sorry for pun.
> > Price of registration of TM "getready" for UA resident - about $400,
> duration of registration - 2,5 month
> > Price of domain name registration - $40/1 year or $40*N years
> > After all operations will be done  I'm will be ready to transfer all
> rights to Chairman or ... or confirm to commit to fair and honest respect
> for the rights of the TM for the sake of the interests of the Community (my
> reputation is more expensive than the money) :)
> >
> > Yuri Kargapolov
> >
> > Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 8:23:11 AM, you wrote:
> >
> >> Dear All:
> >
> >> There is a call of the UA Coordination Group @ 23:00 UTC 28 October
> 2015.
> >
> >> The UA Coordination Group is the Chair, vice-chair & Project
> >> Coordinators and focuses on Administrative tasks.
> >
> >> However, everyone is welcome to tune in.
> >
> >> Attached please find:
> >
> >> 1) Agenda for the call
> >> 2) Raw list of tasks from the Sunday Workshop
> >
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