[UA-discuss] UASG011 - DRAFT - FAQ's

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Mon Aug 8 17:24:28 UTC 2016

Thanks Ron.

Becoming UA Ready involves IDNs, for sure, but not JUST IDNs.

As in your case, neither of the new geoTLD’s will pass through many validation routines because they are too long.  

We hope that you and the other geoTLD’s will make sure that their own systems are UA Ready.  We also hope that you will raise awareness within the Internet community in your geography – local ISPs and hosting companies and such.

The thinking to that FAQ was that you would also reach out to your local community of software developers.   Not only will this facilitate their awareness of UA in general, but could also introduce your geoTLDs to your local software communities.


On 8/08/16, 9:21 PM, "ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Ronald Geens" <ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of ronald.geens at dnsbelgium.be> wrote:

    Hi Don,
       I only just see this now (Holiday period :)) and think it a really good 1st draft that is already worth publishing.
    There is however one answer that I don’t really understand: it is mentioned that communities that got their own TLD like Berlin, London etc should be early movers, but what is the meaning of that ?
    For most geo-TLDs, in our case (vlaanderen and brussels), there is in fact no specific community that could adapt a certain system to be UA ready. 
    Except for the registry and the registrars (which are obvious but probably not targeted by this FAQ) there is no ‘community’ of users as far as I know.
    Thank you for clarifying this,
    > On 22 Jul 2016, at 21:07, Don Hollander <don.hollander at icann.org> wrote:
    > We’ve been developing an FAQ.  The 1st draft is attached.
    > Again, can I please get comments by the end of the month?
    > Thanks.
    > Don
    > <UASG011 - DRAFT Universal Acceptance_FAQ.docx>
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