[UA-discuss] IGF 2016 6-9 Dec 2016 - IDNs : "A Key to Inclusive and Multilingual Internet"

Harish Chowdhary harish at nixi.in
Sat Dec 3 05:56:47 UTC 2016

Dear All,In continuation to our effort,to achieve the goal of Truly Multilingual Internet through the path of EAI and UA, we are presenting in IGF 2016 scheduled on6-9 Dec 2016,Mexico.Kindly join the WORKSHOP#142 remotely and physically.Time : Thursday, December 8 • 16:30 - 17:00 (Mexico Time)Details of the Workshop SessionPlease use the below link to join as Attendees.Kindly share the link in your circle  for maximum participation online in the workshop.https://igf2016.sched.org/event/8hu1/ws142-idns-a-key-to-inclusive-and-multilingual-internetThanks,Harish Chowdhary 

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