[UA-discuss] Are YOUR systems UA Ready?

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Wed Jun 15 06:49:39 UTC 2016

The UASG is continuing its testing of some of the most popular websites around the world to see if they are ‘UA-Ready’.

We are using the ability to accept an email address in a variety of forms as the core of this evaluation.   (We do recognise that there will be other tests, but this seems a relatively easy and straight forward approach.)

We currently have around 120 organisations represented on the UA-Discuss mailing list.

I’m wondering how many of your systems are UA ready?

To test, here are a variety of email addresses that you can use (copy and paste is fine) into your systems to see if they are accepted:

ASCII Local Part
Info1 at ua-test.link <mailto:Info1 at ua-test.link>
info2 at ua-test.technology <mailto:info2 at ua-test.technology>

info4 at ua-test.世界


Unicode Local Part
测试1 at ua-test.link <mailto:1 at ua-test.link>
测试2 at ua-test.technology <mailto:2 at ua-test.technology>

测试4 at ua-test.世界


There are also some Arabic addresses shown in UASG004, but this might be a good place to start.

I’m interested to hear your results - either on-list or off-list.


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