[UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: UA-discuss Digest, Vol 23, Issue 9

Dr. AJAY D A T A ajay at data.in
Wed Nov 9 09:28:09 UTC 2016

 Harish, please add my skype id - ajaykummar 

Dr. Ajay DATA  | Founder &amp CEO | DATAINFOSYS &reg  LIMITED | www.datainfosys.com 
Work: +91 141 2554970 | Fax: +91 141 2554972 

Hours: Mon -Sat, 09:00 AM - 7:00 PM IST Lets Get Connected: 

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From: "Harish Chowdhary"   MailId : [63237519]To: "ua-discuss at icann.org" Subject: [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: [UA-discuss] UA-discuss Digest, Vol 23, Issue 9Date: 09 Nov 2016 01:43:20 PM 
Dear All,We will have a bar bof to discuss deployment issues for IDN / IEA at Studio 3 on Thursday,  Nov. 17th at 8:00am .
We are also coordinating with UASG, discussing with i18n, and need to coordinate with ISOC.   This is very much a multi-stakeholder issue.  And, very complex .
Let`s go slow and at least try to lay out the various issues and core skills needed .
WE WILL NOT HAVE REMOTE ACCESS VIA MEETECHO.   So, if you want to join remotely, send me your Skype ID &amp I will Skype you in .
Sorry, apparently, there is no MeetEcho for bar bofs.Thanks,Harish Chowdhary
From: ua-discuss-request at icann.orgSent: Tue, 08 Nov 2016 17:30:13To: ua-discuss at icann.orgSubject: UA-discuss Digest, Vol 23, Issue 9Send UA-discuss mailing list submissions to   ua-discuss at icann.orgTo subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit   https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ua-discussor, via email, send a message with subject or body `help` to   ua-discuss-request at icann.orgYou can reach the person managing the list at   ua-discuss-owner at icann.orgWhen replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specificthan "Re: Contents of UA-discuss digest.."Today`s Topics:  1. Re: EAI Implementation Issue (Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila)  2. Re: UA article at ICANN57 (Tan Tanaka, Dennis)  3. Re: EAI Implementation Issue (Byron Ellacott)  4. Re: EAI Implementation Issue (Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila)  5. Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI Implementation Issue     (Dr. AJAY D A T A)  6. Re: Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI Implementation   Issue     (Jiankang Yao)  7. Re: Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI   Implementation   Issue     (Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila)----------------------------------------------------------------------Message: 1Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2016 12:22:41 +0000From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila To: "UA-discuss at icann.org" Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueMessage-ID:   Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"Hey Guys,               Let me share with you what I got ,:--          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers.-          Centos 7.0 working will with EAI-          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-devel[cid:image002.png at 01D23901.865BA830]ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268513_180152888707645_7698168_n.jpg]National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523405_telephone]   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Mobile]    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: ICON]   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: oNLINE]  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523294_email]   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg[1447802547_skype]  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila[static_qr_code_without_logo][Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523469_error]DISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not nece
ssarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaSent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AMTo: UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueThanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix ?compile,installed? and I got the below warning although I already installed icu ?dependencies?postfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled inand the Unicode files are already there as well.Did anyone face this issue before ?Or is there any advice ?ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268513_180152888707645_7698168_n.jpg]National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523405_telephone]   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Mobile]    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: ICON]   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: oNLINE]  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523294_email]   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg[1447802547_skype]  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila[static_qr_code_without_logo][Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 1365523469_error]DISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AMTo: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationAbdalmonem:Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client.DonFrom: > on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila >Date: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PMTo: "UA-discuss at icann.org" >Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationDear Colleagues,               I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?Thanks in advance.ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>[escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg[447802547_skype]  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila[tatic_qr_code_without_logo][escription: Description: Description: Description: Description: Desc]DISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161107/c68afb46/attachment-0001.html>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: image002.pngType: image/pngSize: 6022 bytesDesc: image002.pngURL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161107/c68afb46/image002-0001.png>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: image003.jpgType: image/jpegSize: 6490 bytesDesc: image003.jpgURL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161107/c68afb46/image003-0001.jpg>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: image004.pngType: image/pngSize: 450 bytesDesc: image004.pngURL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161107/c68afb46/image004-0001.png>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: image005.pngType: image/pngSize: 269 bytesDesc: image005.pngURL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161107/c68afb46/image005-0001.png>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: image006.pngType: image/pngSize: 488 bytesDesc: image006.png
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You can see my recipes here:   https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56d https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56d>However, while postfix provides mail transport services, it does not provide access for mail user agents to retrieve mail.  Thus far I?ve been unable to find a suitable combination of mail delivery agent and IMAP service which can let users read and respond to EAI, though I have not done any work on this since April.  At the time, The Horde webmail service was looking promising, but IIRC required an IMAP service available.None of Dovecot, courier-imap, or Cyrus IMAP have support, neither via LMTP to deliver mail, nor via IMAP/POP3 to retrieve mail.  Additionally, none of their roadmaps mention EAI, UTF8, or internationalization in general.A potential task for the group is to update the Wikipedia list of mail servers to add an EAI support column:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers>?Byron Ellacott> On 7 Nov 2016, at 10:22 PM, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila  wrote:>> Hey Guys,>                 Let me share with you what I got ,:-> -          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers.> -          Centos 7.0 working will with EAI> -          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-devel>  > >  >  > Thnx>  > All the Best,> Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila> Deputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,> Operation Sector.>  > >  > National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority>   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300>    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068>   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537>  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>                         : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg >                         : atharwat at tra.gov.eg >  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila> > DISCLAIMER>           This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.>  > From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AM> To: UA-discuss at icann.org > Subject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation Issue>  > Thanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix ?compile,installed? and I got the below warning although I already installed icu ?dependencies?>  > postfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled in>  > and the Unicode files are already there as well.>  > Did anyone face this issue before ?>  > Or is there any advice ?>  > Thnx>  > All the Best,> Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila> Deputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,> Operation Sector.>  > >  > National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority>   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300>    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068>   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537>  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>                         : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg >                         : atharwat at tra.gov.eg >  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila> > DISCLAIMER>           This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.>  > From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org ]> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AM> To: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.org > Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation>  > Abdalmonem:>  > Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client.>  > Don>  > From: > on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila >> Date: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PM> To: "UA-discuss at icann.org " >> Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation>  > Dear Colleagues,>                 I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?> Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?>  > Thanks in advance.>  > Thnx>  > All the Best,> Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila> Deputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,> Operation Sector.>  > >  > National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority>   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300>    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068>   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537>  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>                         : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg >                         : atharwat at tra.gov.eg >  Skype      : abdalmonem.galila> > DISCLAIMER>           This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.>  -------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/66ac263e/attachment-0001.html>-------------- next part --------------A non-text attachment was scrubbed..Name: smime.p7sType: application/pkcs7-signatureSize: 1757 bytesDesc: not availableURL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/66ac263e/smime-0001.p7s>------------------------------Message: 4Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 04:01:33 +0000From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila To: Byron Ellacott Cc: "UA-discuss at icann.org" Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueMessage-ID: Content-Type: text/plain charset="windows-1252"Hi Byron,    Thanks a lot for sharing , we can cooperate to make this working , if so let me know .Thanks againSent from my iPhoneOn Nov 8, 2016, at 6:28 AM, Byron Ellacott > wrote:Hi all,I got postfix 3.0.4 running with SMTPUTF8 correctly some time back, using Docker.  You can see my recipes here:https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56dHowever, while postfix provides mail transport services, it does not provide access for mail user agents to retrieve mail.  Thus far I?ve been unable to find a suitable combination of mail delivery agent and IMAP service which can let users read and respond to EAI, though I have not done any work on this since April.  At the time, The Horde webmail service was looking promising, but IIRC required an IMAP service available.None of Dovecot, courier-imap, or Cyrus IMAP have support, neither via LMTP to deliver mail, nor via IMAP/POP3 to retrieve mail.  Additionally, none of their roadmaps mention EAI, UTF8, or internationalization in general.A potential task for the group is to update the Wikipedia list of mail servers to add an EAI support column:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers?Byron EllacottOn 7 Nov 2016, at 10:22 PM, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila > wrote:Hey Guys,               Let me share with you what I got ,:--          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers.-          Centos 7.0 working will with EAI-          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-develThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaSent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AMTo: UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueThanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix ?compile,installed? and I got the below warning although I already installed icu ?dependencies?postfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled inand the Unicode files are already there as well.Did anyone face this issue before ?Or is there any advice ?ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AMTo: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationAbdalmonem:Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client.DonFrom: > on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila &
gtDate: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PMTo: "UA-discuss at icann.org" >Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationDear Colleagues,               I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?Thanks in advance.ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/2c6c2f5a/attachment-0001.html>------------------------------Message: 5Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 10:00:05 +0530 (IST)From: Dr. AJAY D A T ATo: abdalmonem tharwat galila ,   byron ellacott   Cc: `ua-discuss at icann.org`, ua-discuss at icann.orgSubject: [UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI Implementation   IssueMessage-ID:   Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8" As of now, Fully supported Email Server with Antispam, SMTP, IMAP and Webmail is XGENPLUS - you can actually try out yourself.  Even you can try to install DATAMAIL app to get FREE EAI / IDN email address out of 11 languages .Ajay DataGet email id like ???@????.???? in your own language, visit www.xgenplus.comFrom: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila   MailId : [63179008]To: Byron Ellacott Cc: "UA-discuss at icann.org" Subject: [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueDate: 08 Nov 2016 09:32:36 AMHi Byron,    Thanks a lot for sharing , we can cooperate to make this working , if so let me know  .Thanks again  Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 8, 2016, at 6:28 AM, Byron Ellacott bje at apnic.net> wrote:Hi all,I got postfix 3.0.4 running with SMTPUTF8 correctly some time back, using Docker.  You can see my recipes here:https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56dHowever, while postfix provides mail transport services, it does not provide access for mail user agents to retrieve mail.  Thus far I&amprsquove been unable to find a suitable combination of mail delivery agent and IMAP service which can let users read and respond to EAI, though I have not done any work on this since April.  At the time, The Horde webmail service was looking promising, but IIRC required an IMAP service available .None of Dovecot, courier-imap, or Cyrus IMAP have support, neither via LMTP to deliver mail, nor via IMAP/POP3 to retrieve mail.  Additionally, none of their roadmaps mention EAI, UTF8, or internationalization in general .A potential task for the group is to update the Wikipedia list of mail servers to add an EAI support column:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers&ampmdashByron EllacottOn 7 Nov 2016, at 10:22 PM, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila agalila at mcit.gov.eg> wrote:Hey Guys,               Let me share with you what I got ,:--          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers .-          Centos 7.0 working will with EAI-          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-develThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector .National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority  Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300   Mobile:  +2 010 00049068  Fax       :  +2 02 35370537 Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg  E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email .From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila  Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AM To: UA-discuss at icann.org Subject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueThanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix &ampldquocompile,installed&amprdquo and I got the below warning although I already installed icu &ampldquodependencies&amprdquopostfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled inand the Unicode files are already there as well .Did anyone face this issue before ?Or is there any advice ?ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector .National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority  Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300   Mobile:  +2 010 00049068  Fax       :  +2 02 35370537 Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg  E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the us
e of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email .From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]  Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AM To: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.org Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationAbdalmonem:Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client .DonFrom: ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila agalila at mcit.gov.eg> Date: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PM To: "UA-discuss at icann.org" UA-discuss at icann.org> Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationDear Colleagues,               I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?Thanks in advance .ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector .National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority  Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300   Mobile:  +2 010 00049068  Fax       :  +2 02 35370537 Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg  E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email .Do not Remove:[HID]20161108093235594[-HID]-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/479d7fd7/attachment-0001.html>------------------------------Message: 6Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 16:29:16 +0800From: "Jiankang Yao" To: "Dr. AJAY D A T A" ,    "Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila"   ,    "Byron Ellacott" Cc: `ua-discuss , ua-discuss   Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI   Implementation   IssueMessage-ID: Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"Cool!Jiankang YaoFrom: Dr. AJAY D A T ADate: 2016-11-08 13:00To: abdalmonem tharwat galila byron ellacottCC: `ua-discuss ua-discussSubject: [UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI Implementation IssueAs of now, Fully supported Email Server with Antispam, SMTP, IMAP and Webmail is XGENPLUS - you can actually try out yourself.  Even you can try to install DATAMAIL app to get FREE EAI / IDN email address out of 11 languages.Ajay DataGet email id like ???@????.???? in your own language, visit www.xgenplus.comFrom: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila   MailId : [63179008]To: Byron Ellacott Cc: "UA-discuss at icann.org" Subject: [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueDate: 08 Nov 2016 09:32:36 AMHi Byron,    Thanks a lot for sharing , we can cooperate to make this working , if so let me know .Thanks againSent from my iPhoneOn Nov 8, 2016, at 6:28 AM, Byron Ellacott  wrote:Hi all,I got postfix 3.0.4 running with SMTPUTF8 correctly some time back, using Docker.  You can see my recipes here:https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56dHowever, while postfix provides mail transport services, it does not provide access for mail user agents to retrieve mail.  Thus far I?ve been unable to find a suitable combination of mail delivery agent and IMAP service which can let users read and respond to EAI, though I have not done any work on this since April.  At the time, The Horde webmail service was looking promising, but IIRC required an IMAP service available.None of Dovecot, courier-imap, or Cyrus IMAP have support, neither via LMTP to deliver mail, nor via IMAP/POP3 to retrieve mail.  Additionally, none of their roadmaps mention EAI, UTF8, or internationalization in general.A potential task for the group is to update the Wikipedia list of mail servers to add an EAI support column:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers?Byron EllacottOn 7 Nov 2016, at 10:22 PM, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila  wrote:Hey Guys,               Let me share with you what I got ,:--          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers.-          Centos 7.0 working will with EAI-          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-develThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaSent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AMTo: UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueThanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix ?compile,installed? and I got the below warning although I already installed icu ?dependencies?postfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled inand the Unicode files are already there as well.Did anyone face this issue before ?Or is there any advice ?ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AMTo: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationAbdalmonem:Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client.DonFrom:  on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila Date: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PMTo: "UA-discuss at icann.org" Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationDear Colleagues,               I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?Thanks in advance.ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.Do not Remove:[HID]20161108093235594[-HID]-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/e5025934/attachment-0001.html>------------------------------Message: 7Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2016 08:35:44 +0000From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila To: ua-discuss Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI   Implementation   IssueMessage-ID: Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"If any one here can give me a contact with pop3/imap open source providers to edit the files to be fully compatible with EAI fetching emails , kindly send me his|her contact details. at XGEN , I will check your website for more details and components used , anyway it is very nice.Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 8, 2016, at 2:00 PM, Jiankang Yao > wrote:Cool!________________________________Jiankang YaoFrom: Dr. AJAY D A T ADate: 2016-11-08 13:00To: abdalmonem tharwat galila byron ellacottCC: `ua-discuss ua-discussSubject: [UA-discuss] Re : [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: EAI Implementation IssueAs of now, Fully supported Email Server with Antispam, SMTP, IMAP and Webmail is XGENPLUS https://www.xgenplus.com> - you can actually try out yourself.  Even you can try to install DATAMAIL app to get FREE EAI / IDN email address out of 11 languages.Ajay DataGet email id like ???@????.???? in your own language, visit www.xgenplus.com>http://www.xgenplus.com/>________________________________From: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila >  MailId : [63179008]To: Byron Ellacott >Cc: "UA-discuss at icann.org" >Subject: [ajay.uasg at data.in] Re: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueDate: 08 Nov 2016 09:32:36 AMHi Byron,    Thanks a lot for sharing , we can cooperate to make this working , if so let me know .Thanks againSent from my iPhoneOn Nov 8, 2016, at 6:28 AM, Byron Ellacott > wrote:Hi all,I got postfix 3.0.4 running with SMTPUTF8 correctly some time back, using Docker.  You can see my recipes here:https://gist.github.com/codebje/3652d6c2118ba7b0f38a39e1ac39a56dHowever, while postfix provides mail transport services, it does not provide access for mail user agents to retrieve mail.  Thus far I?ve been unable to find a suitable combination of mail delivery agent and IMAP service which can let users read and respond to EAI, though I have not done any work on this since April.  At the time, The Horde webmail service was looking promising, but IIRC required an IMAP service available.None of Dovecot, courier-imap, or Cyrus IMAP have support, neither via LMTP to deliver mail, nor via IMAP/POP3 to retrieve mail.  Additionally, none of their roadmaps mention EAI, UTF8, or internationalization in general.A potential task for the group is to update the Wikipedia list of mail servers to add an EAI support column:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers?Byron EllacottOn 7 Nov 2016, at 10:22 PM, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila > wrote:Hey Guys,               Let me share with you what I got ,:--          Centos 6.5 cannot connect postfix with the Unicode headers.-          Centos 7.0 w
orking will with EAI-          GCC , Perl, Perl-Date-Calc , libicu-develThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaSent: Monday, November 07, 2016 8:53 AMTo: UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: RE: [UA-discuss] EAI Implementation IssueThanks all for your replies , I already installed postfix ?compile,installed? and I got the below warning although I already installed icu ?dependencies?postfix: warning: smtputf8_enable is true, but EAI support is not compiled inand the Unicode files are already there as well.Did anyone face this issue before ?Or is there any advice ?ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 3:26 AMTo: Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila UA-discuss at icann.orgSubject: Re: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationAbdalmonem:Postfix is an EAI Ready mail server application.  Outlook2016 for PC is an EAI ready client.DonFrom: > on behalf of Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila >Date: Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 7:42 PMTo: "UA-discuss at icann.org" >Subject: [UA-discuss] EAI ImplementationDear Colleagues,               I hope you are doing well, I am trying to implement EAI at my testing environment and as you know dovecot is not compatible with EAI so any advice ?Is there an email client who is compatible with EAI addresses ?Thanks in advance.ThnxAll the Best,Abdalmonem Tharwat GalilaDeputy Manager, Dot Masr Registry,Operation Sector.National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority   Office Tel.: +2 02 35341582 - +2 02 35341300    Mobile:  +2 010 00049068   Fax       :  +2 02 35370537  Website : http:\\www.mcit.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>                       : http:\\www.tra.gov.eg>http://www.mcit.gov.eg/>   E-mail     : agalila at mcit.gov.eg                       : atharwat at tra.gov.eg  Skype      : abdalmonem.galilaDISCLAIMER         This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or  entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify your system support manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) .  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The NTRA accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.Do not Remove:[HID]20161108093235594[-HID]-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed..URL: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20161108/42a0221f/attachment-0001.html>------------------------------_______________________________________________UA-discuss mailing listUA-discuss at icann.orghttps://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ua-discussEnd of UA-discuss Digest, Vol 23, Issue 9***************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[NIXI is on Social-Media too. Kindly follow us at:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nixiindia &amp Twitter: @inregistry ]This e-mail is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and maycontain confidential and privileged information. If you are not theintended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroyall copies and the original message. Any unauthorized review, use,disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this emailis strictly prohibited and appropriate legal action will be taken.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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