[UA-discuss] Govt announces official use of IDNs / EAI

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Wed Aug 30 10:43:43 UTC 2017


What do you think would be good measures?

Number of mailboxes created overtime?

Proportion of mail going through each TLD?   .in vs .bharat?  Number of Messages?  Size of Messages?   Proportion of SPAM or other naughty content?

Something else?

> On 30/08/2017, at 2:26 PM, Andrew Sullivan <ajs at anvilwalrusden.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It would be _really good_ if there were some attempt to quantify how
> often or even how the "synonym" identifiers that are created this way
> either succeed or fail.  Has there been an attempt to measure this?
> Thanks,
> A
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 07:04:09AM +0530, Ajay DATA wrote:
>> With our constant push and various initiatives, Government of India announces EAI for every govt employee, by anniuncing a 5 million mailbox setup.
>> News Article :
>> http://m.indiatoday.in/story/govt-announces-email-service-for-officials-in-english-hindi/1/1035965.html
>> This news also refers to our Rajasthan state govt initiative to provide EAI to every citizen. Rajasthan has 75 million population ans every citizen and take ID through मेल.राजस्थान.भारत or mail.rajasthan.on 
>> This is huge step forward in the world of EAI and adoption of IDN at this scale.
>> Thank you for your support always.
>> Best regards.
>> Ajay Data
>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with BharatSync Communicator.
> -- 
> Andrew Sullivan
> ajs at anvilwalrusden.com

Don Hollander
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Skype: don_hollander

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