[UA-discuss] Election update...

Rinalia Abdul Rahim rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 15:08:44 UTC 2017

+1 in support, Ram.


On Thu, 23 Feb 2017 at 8:04 PM, Ram Mohan <rmohan at afilias.info> wrote:

> Dear UA-Folks:
> First off, thank you for re-nominating me to the Chair of this community
> initiative! I’m pleased and honored to serve this second and last term.
> Second, I’m so impressed at the enthusiasm and the energy from community
> members for the Vice Chair position. Six people want to volunteer their
> time and energy to build momentum for the UA initiative – that’s phenomenal!
> May I suggest that we accept *all six* volunteers to the position, and do
> away with a vote? I know that I could use the help, and I also know that
> corralling the energies of these six individuals, all of whom who have
> already participated and made material contributions to the UA initiative,
> will be a worthwhile enterprise.
> If you agree with my proposal (or have a different point of view), please
> post back to the list. If we can hear some consensus on my proposed
> approach, then we’ll take the administrative steps to having 6 vice-chairs
> ratified.
> Regards,
> Ram
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ram Mohan
> o: +1.215.706.5700 x103; m: +1.215.431.0958; f: +1.215.706.5701
> Skype:gliderpilot30 |@rmohan123|www.linkedin.com/in/rmohan
> *From:* Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org]
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:45 PM
> *To:* ua-discuss <UA-discuss at icann.org>
> *Subject:* [UA-discuss] Election update...
> A quick update on the election process:
> There was one accepted nomination for Chair:  Ram Mohan.  So, Ram
> continues in the role for another two years.   Congratulations.
> There were six accepted nominations for the three positions of Vice-Chair:
> Vice-Chair - Edmon Chung
> Vice-Chair - Ajay Data
> Vice-Chair - Christian Dawson
> Vice-Chair - Jothan Frakes
> Vice-Chair - Rich Merdinger
> Vice-Chair - Mark Svancarek
> I am currently gathering materials from the candidates.  Should be done in
> the next day.
> Then, I’ll send a link to voting to all subscribers of this UA discuss
> list (as of the beginning of this week)
> Voting will be available for a week and then we should have a decision.
> Don
> Don Hollander
> Universal Acceptance Steering Group
> Skype: don_hollander
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