[UA-discuss] Re : RE: Re : Re: [Ext] EAI Service Providers - My Update

deepak deepak.singhal at dil.in
Thu Mar 30 08:40:15 UTC 2017

Hi All,      This is very good initiative to correct EAI Detail by product/company owner.        I would request to all product/company owner to update/correct their compability to EAI provisioning if they find something wrong.            So that final list can be submitted to UASG.ThanksDeepak 
From: Raed Al-Fayez   MailId : [67705300]To: don hollander Cc: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ,deepak Subject: RE: [UA-discuss] Re : Re: [Ext] EAI Service Providers - My UpdateDate: 30 Mar 2017 02:06:46 PM  v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML)}
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Dear Don,
Please allow me to update the row related for Raseel Project sponsored by SaudiNIC to be:

Saudi Network Information Centre (SaudiNIC)

 Raseel  (رسيل)




IMAP, SMTP, Webmail



Raed Alfayez
From: ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org [mailto:ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org] On Behalf Of deepak Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 7:13 AM To: don hollander Cc: ua-discuss at icann.org Subject: [UA-discuss] Re : Re: [Ext] EAI Service Providers - My Update

Hello Don,  This can be detailed structure as Global EAI Status and may be it can go online on uasg.tech



Product / Service

Client or Server 

Commercial Available

EAI MailBox Provider

Protocol Supported for EAI

EAI Mail Exchange Supported (SMTP ) 

Company / Product Website


Outlook 2016 for Windows
















Iphone Mail client








EAI mail for IoS








Yandex (Russia) 








Coremail (China)







Data Xgen

XgenPlus (India)








 Throughway (Thailand )







Saudi Network Information Centre
















Horde, LLC

















Spamjadoo (antispam)























Data Xgen

DatatMail (Android+IOS)








BharatSync Communicator (Android)







   Deepak Singhal






From: Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org>  MailId : [67640991] To: deepak deepak.singhal at dil.in> Cc: "a.schappo at lboro.ac.uk" a.schappo at lboro.ac.uk> Subject: Re: [Ext] EAI Service Providers - My Update Date: 28 Mar 2017 08:52:50 PM   THanks Deepak.


My list is of folks who are working on EAI as well as the in production.


If we were to make a table, what would the headers look like?


(removing UA-Discuss during conversational mode)





On 29/03/2017, at 1:15 AM, deepak deepak.singhal at dil.in> wrote:


Don and Andre  List below need some MAJOR corrections for clear understanding.  EAI Email Providers - would probably mean A company / product which can offer EAI mailbox on IDN domain. Not simply receiving or sending email to EAI. 

&bullMicrosoft - (you mean office365, its still not EAI provider, supports EAI)

&bullGoogle  - ( you mean gmail, and its still not EAI provider, supports EAI)

&bullApple - ( apple do not offer EAI and iphone do not support configuration of EAI account, EAI Mail app on IOS does )

&bullYandex (Russia) - ( do not offer EAI )

&bullCoremail (China) - ( looks like you are testing it, however not yet available on their website commercially for public)

&bullXgenPlus (India) - ( commercially available)

&bullThroughway (Thailand) ( not aware, however their presentation shows they are using gmail as client to send and receive)

&bullSaudiNic (Not aware)

&bullOpenFind (Taiwan) - (on thier website https://www.mailcloudcom.tw/, they are not offering EAI (google search))

&bullHorde (USA) (https://www.horde.org/apps/webmail - its only webmail, need EAI server at backend like XGENPLUS)

&bullPostFix (Global) - (PostFix is only MTA, neither has IMAP/POP/Webmail, so cant offer EAI without other supporting client)

&bullAfilias ( dont know status - public information not available )

&bullExim ( just like postfix)

&bullSendmail (just like postfix)

 So, EAI Service Providers are only few as of now i.e XgenPlus - Fully available Globally (not only in India) in public domain (free and paid), CoreMail and Throughway seems to be available in test mode.   May be we create two lists,, 1) EAI Service Provider and 2) Products / Services Supporting EAI  Also include Android Phone Mail client and Microsoft Outlook 2016, which can allow configuration of EAI, if supported by EAI ready imap / smtp server. 

 Please correct me if I am missing something.  Deepak





From:  ua-discuss-request at icann.org  MailId : [67637691] To: ua-discuss at icann.org Subject: UA-discuss Digest, Vol 27, Issue 21 Date: 28 Mar 2017 05:30:21 PM   Send UA-discuss mailing list submissions to ua-discuss at icann.org  To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit https://mm.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ua-discuss or, via email, send a message with subject or body `help` to ua-discuss-request at icann.org  You can reach the person managing the list at ua-discuss-owner at icann.org  When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of UA-discuss digest."   Today`s Topics:      1. Current State of Play - Summary (Andre Schappo)     2. test (Andre Schappo)     3. UASG Events coming up. (Don Hollander)     4. Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Tan Tanaka, Dennis)     5. Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Don Hollander)     6. Re: [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Yaling Tan)     7. Re: [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Don Hollander)     8. Re: [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Don Hollander)     9. Re: Current State of Play - Summary (Andre Schappo)   ----------------------------------------------------------------------  Message: 1 Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:54:12 +0000 From: Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> To: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: [UA-discuss] Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: 155987FB-B9F1-4A97-B68F-DD21A83D4DDB at lboro.ac.uk> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight.  ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese) ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?)  Notes:  A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year.  .and onto something different  Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities  Andr? Schappo   ------------------------------  Message: 2 Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 15:58:19 +0000 From: Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> To: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: [UA-discuss] test Message-ID: 4972F38C-C7C2-4916-96A7-07C169BFB5DD at lboro.ac.uk> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  test because it appears email is not being distributed to this list  Andr? Schappo   ------------------------------  Message: 3 Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 17:43:25 +0000 From: Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org> To: ua-discuss UA-discuss at icann.org> Subject: [UA-discuss] UASG Events coming up. Message-ID: D02B46CB-6816-4883-9C0F-296B93A33EE5 at icann.org> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  There are several UA events coming up?   In just a few hours at the WHD.Global (World Hosting Days) conference in Germany, there will be a Night Talk about Universal Acceptance.  On April 11 &amp 12 in Redmond Washington there is a Face-to-Face meeting of the UASG Coordination group. (Program attached). These are public meetings and we?ll make them available through the Adobe Connect room, but if you?re in the neighbourhood please feel welcome to come and participate. Do please let me know in advance if you can for logistics.  On April 11 at 6:00PM at the Seattle Marriott in Redmond we?ll be holding a reception and launch of the White Paper on Universal Acceptance. Again, all are welcome but do please let me know if you?ll be attending for catering purposes  On April 12 &amp 13 (starting at 13:00 on the 12th) there will be an EAI workshop. (Program attached). Again, this is a public event and we?ll make it available through the Adobe Connect room. But if you are planning on attending in person, please let me know for logistical purposes. [A list of expected attendees is include in the program - so if you?re planning on being there and not on the list, please do let me know).  -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: 00 Agenda - UA Coordination - April 2017.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 439438 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170327/c20fcad6/00Agenda-UACoordination-April2017-0001.pdf  -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: 00 - EAI Agenda.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 349324 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170327/c20fcad6/00-EAIAgenda-0001.pdf  -------------- next part --------------    These programs are also published on the UASG.tech home page (at the bottom).  Don   Don Hollander Universal Acceptance Steering Group Skype: don_hollander    -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3869 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170327/c20fcad6/smime-0001.p7s   ------------------------------  Message: 4 Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 17:53:44 +0000 From: "Tan Tanaka, Dennis" dtantanaka at verisigncom> To: Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>, "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: 31585EBC-43E2-49C3-B0C5-0BC06918A94A at verisign.com> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  Nice work Andr?!   On 3/27/17, 9:54 AM, "ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Andre Schappo" ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:       When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight.            ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language      ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese      ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic      ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese)      ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?)            Notes:            A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year.            .and onto something different            Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities.            Andr? Schappo               ------------------------------  Message: 5 Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 18:20:40 +0000 From: Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org> To: Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> Cc: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: FBD255B8-6F41-45E0-B658-80240FB6190A at icann.org> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  Andre, et al?  Here?s my list of folks that are working on this:  EAI Email Providers ?Microsoft  ?Google  ?Apple  ?Yandex (Russia)  ?Coremail (China)  ?XgenPlus (India)  ?Throughway (Thailand)  ?SaudiNic  ?OpenFind (Taiwan)  ?Horde (USA)  ?PostFix (Global) ?Afilias ?Exim ?Sendmail  The Taiwan solution is provided by OpenFind. At the ccNSO meeting earlier this month we heard that registrants of idn.idn had a higher inclination to renew if they had access to an EAI solution.  CNNIC - This may be the Coremail solution We use Coremail to host our test accounts (uasg004)  Outlook 2016 - at this point just the Windows version.  Don  >  On 28/03/2017, at 2:54 AM, Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> wrote: >   >  When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight. >   >  ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language >  ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese >  ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic >  ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese) >  ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?) >   >  Notes: >   >  A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year. >   >  .and onto something different >   >  Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities. >   >  Andr? Schappo >    Don Hollander Universal Acceptance Steering Group Skype: don_hollander    -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed. URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170327/a3c222fa/attachment-0001.html  -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3869 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170327/a3c222fa/smime-0001.p7s   ------------------------------  Message: 6 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 14:26:37 +0800 From: Yaling Tan tyl at teleinfo.cn> To: "Tan Tanaka, Dennis" dtantanaka at verisign.com> Cc: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: 0F48A9B3-C918-4013-ABC6-8EEC8E871FAC at teleinfo.cn> Content-Type: text/plain charset=gb2312  Correct me if I am wrong, but I think TWNIC relies on Sendmail to realize EAI, whereas CNNIC relies on coremail to do so. And TWNIC is using traditional Chinese and CNNIC is using simplified Chinese.  Sent from my iPad  ? 2017?3?28????1:53?Tan Tanaka, Dennis via UA-discuss ua-discuss at icann.org> ???  Nice work Andr?!   On 3/27/17, 9:54 AM, "ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Andre Schappo" ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:      When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight.      ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language     ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese     ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic     ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese)     ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?)      Notes:      A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year.      .and onto something different      Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities.      Andr? Schappo        ------------------------------  Message: 7 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:42:55 +0000 From: Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org> To: Yaling Tan tyl at teleinfo.cn> Cc: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: AD943ADE-A33B-41A3-B46B-4D7B4CDDD410 at icann.org> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  I thought TWNIC used OpenFind.  Chinese E-mail ? Chiang https://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/copenhagen58/presentation-twnic-chinese-eai-15mar17-en.pdf>   >  On 28/03/2017, at 7:26 PM, Yaling Tan tyl at teleinfo.cn> wrote: >   >  Correct me if I am wrong, but I think TWNIC relies on Sendmail to realize EAI, whereas CNNIC relies on coremail to do so. And TWNIC is using traditional Chinese and CNNIC is using simplified Chinese. >   >  Sent from my iPad >   >  ? 2017?3?28????1:53?Tan Tanaka, Dennis via UA-discuss ua-discuss at icann.org> ??? >   >  Nice work Andr?!  >   >  On 3/27/17, 9:54 AM, "ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of Andre Schappo" ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org on behalf of A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> wrote: >   >    When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight. >   >    ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language >    ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese >    ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic >    ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese) >    ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?) >   >    Notes: >   >    A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year. >   >    .and onto something different >   >    Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities. >   >    Andr? Schappo >   >   >   >   >    Don Hollander Universal Acceptance Steering Group Skype: don_hollander    -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed. URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170328/234c1850/attachment-0001.html  -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3869 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170328/234c1850/smime-0001.p7s   ------------------------------  Message: 8 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:43:17 +0000 From: Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org> To: Yaling Tan tyl at teleinfo.cn> Cc: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icann.org> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID:  Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"  I thought TWNIC used OpenFind.  Chinese E-mail ? Chiang https://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/copenhagen58/presentation-twnic-chinese-eai-15mar17-en.pdf>   >  On 28/03/2017, at 7:26 PM, Yaling Tan tyl at teleinfo.cn mailto:tyl at teleinfo.cn>> wrote: >   >  Correct me if I am wrong, but I think TWNIC relies on Sendmail to realize EAI, whereas CNNIC relies on coremail to do so. And TWNIC is using traditional Chinese and CNNIC is using simplified Chinese. >   >  Sent from my iPad >   >  ? 2017?3?28????1:53?Tan Tanaka, Dennis via UA-discuss ua-discuss at icann.org mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org>> ??? >   >  Nice work Andr?!  >   >  On 3/27/17, 9:54 AM, "ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org mailto:ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Andre Schappo" ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org mailto:ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk mailto:A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>> wrote: >   >    When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment. Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight. >   >    ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language >    ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese >    ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic >    ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese) >    ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?) >   >    Notes: >   >    A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year. >   >    .and onto something different >   >    Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities. >   >    Andr? Schappo >   >   >   >   >    Don Hollander Universal Acceptance Steering Group Skype: don_hollander    -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed. URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170328/85cce0d8/attachment-0001.html  -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed. Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 3869 bytes Desc: not available URL:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ua-discuss/attachments/20170328/85cce0d8/smime-0001.p7s   ------------------------------  Message: 9 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 07:41:55 +0000 From: Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk> To: "ua-discuss at icann.org" ua-discuss at icannorg> Subject: Re: [UA-discuss] Current State of Play - Summary Message-ID: A3A3A2F0-EF65-473B-8D0F-C31E33B132A8 at lboro.ac.uk> Content-Type: text/plain charset="utf-8"   Thanks for that list Don. I will use it in my Digital Identities lecture which happens in ~5 hours time?  Andr? Schappo  On 27 Mar 2017, at 19:20, Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.orgmailto:donhollander at icann.org>> wrote:  Andre, et al?  Here?s my list of folks that are working on this:  EAI Email Providers ?Microsoft ?Google ?Apple ?Yandex (Russia) ?Coremail (China) ?XgenPlus (India) ?Throughway (Thailand) ?SaudiNic ?OpenFind (Taiwan) ?Horde (USA) ?PostFix (Global) ?Afilias ?Exim ?Sendmail  The Taiwan solution is provided by OpenFind. At the ccNSO meeting earlier this month we heard that registrants of idn.idn had a higher inclination to renew if they had access to an EAI solution.  CNNIC - This may be the Coremail solution. We use Coremail to host our test accounts (uasg004)  Outlook 2016 - at this point just the Windows version.  Don  On 28/03/2017, at 2:54 AM, Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.ukmailto:A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>> wrote:  When I learned of TWNIC`s EAI work by listening to the ICANN conference I was definitely please to discover their EAI. At the same time I realised there are (huge) gaps in my UA knowledge. So, I decided to produce a brief summary of what I know. I am mainly considering UA enabled software and systems so UASG does not appear in my summary list even though it is a considerable accomplishment Please do modify/amend/add to my summary list with your UA knowledge/Insight.  ? DataMail - Production EAI system - multi-language ? TWNIC - Production EAI system - Taiwanese ? Raseel Project, SA - Experimental EAI system - Arabic ? CNNIC - (I am guessing Experimental EAI system and Chinese) ? MS Outlook 2016 client (Windows only or OSX as well?)  Notes:  A few months ago I did informally contact some SMTP software developers/vendors and 2 of them did say they were working on upgrading their software to SMTPUTF8 and will be releasing during this year.  .and onto something different  Tomorrow I will be giving a lecture to 2nd year students on digital identities. I will be encompassing UA, UASG, IDNs and EAI during my lecture. Many of you on this list have given such presentations. I will though be emphasising to the students that as future computer professionals it is their responsibility and duty to ensure internationalised digital identities, for people and things, become a reality. It is their responsibility and duty to ensure UA of internationalised digital identities.  Andr? Schappo   Don Hollander Universal Acceptance Steering Group Skype: don_hollander       ???? ??@??.?? http://twitter.com/andreschappo http://schappo.blogspot.couk http://weibo.com/andreschappo  -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed. 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Don Hollander

Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Skype: don_hollander


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