[UA-discuss] Runet + SMTPUTF8 support

Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Apr 17 11:27:50 UTC 2018

My attention was grabbed by slide 12 of a presentation by Igor Lidin meeting.cctld.ru/docs/lidin.pdf<http://meeting.cctld.ru/docs/lidin.pdf>

I followed the link on that slide and found some interesting stats for Runet. It is good to see the steady year on year growth of servers in the рф domain supporting SMTPUTF8 statdom.ru/tld/рф/report/mxsmtputf8/#52<http://statdom.ru/tld/%D1%80%D1%84/report/mxsmtputf8/#52> If, like me, you cannot read Russian you can select English, top right.

André Schappo

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