[UA-discuss] University Slides now Published....And wait, there's more!

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Fri Feb 9 17:13:43 UTC 2018

A quick note to end the week:

The training slides have been published at https://uasg.tech/documents/ under the Technical Documents tabs
Universal Acceptance - A Technical Perspective (UASG019A)
Email Address Internationalisation - a Technical Perspective (UASG019B)

I have a reminder for May to review them.

We've also published some extracts from the World Hosting Day session held last year.  https://youtu.be/G0B3gQHTG6o   And we now have a YouTube channel

During the coming weeks we'll be more active on LinkedIN, Twitter and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/uasgtech)


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