[UA-discuss] i18n workshop to school students

Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Jan 4 14:43:02 UTC 2018

In a couple of weeks time I will be giving a participatory i18n workshop to school students. I did a similar workshop last year and one of the topics I covered then was IDNs. This year it will be IDNs + EAI. I will, of course, be taking the students to uasg.tech<http://uasg.tech> and डाटामेल.भारत<http://xn--c2bd4bq1db8d.xn--h2brj9c> 😀

I do not, as yet, know how many students will be attending my workshop. Last year there only about 10, aged around 15/16.

I wrote a brief description of my workshop this morning, in preparation for my workshop.

-start workshop description-

🌍  We are a long way from a fully internationalised internet, but everyone, no matter their skills or knowledge, can play a part in this grand endeavour. You too can play an important part in this exciting technological and cultural adventure.

Activities in this participatory workshop will include: looking at what global companies such as McDonald's are doing, looking at techniques and technologies for internationalisation (i18n) and together we will do some programming.

Do you know that it is now possible, for example, to have a Chinese email address? Currently, not many people have such an email but I do and mine is 小山@电邮.在线 I will show how you can get your own free email address in languages, such as, Hindi, Russian and Chinese.  🌏

-end workshop description-

One of the programming tasks will involve looking at what can happen if one does not understand Unicode. The happen in this case, is unexpectedly ending up with my given name with 2 acute accents, one stacked on top of the other, when doing a replace operation in javascript. I will explain about composed and decomposed text and then I will get the students to fix the problem by normalizing the text.

André Schappo

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