[UA-discuss] UASGTech Tweeting Now, please share

Mark Svancarek marksv at microsoft.com
Tue Jul 3 15:59:17 UTC 2018

I cross posted to LI

From: UA-discuss <ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Audrey Fery-Forgues
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 4:02 PM
To: ua-discuss at icann.org
Subject: [UA-discuss] UASGTech Tweeting Now, please share

Hello All,

Please check out the Universal Acceptance Steering Group most recent posts on Twitter (https://twitter.com/UASGTech/status/1013920027081256960) :
#CIOs<https://twitter.com/hashtag/CIOs?src=hash> Is your business reaching the people it needs to? Read more from Lars Steffen, Director International for eco – Association of the Internet Industry, about the infrastructure ‘bug fix’ that can unlock over 9.8B USD https://bit.ly/2Ks4hfB <https://t.co/4U6ds8wwQz>  Thanks @cbronline<https://twitter.com/cbronline> for sharing.

Please be sure to follow the @UASGTech<https://twitter.com/UASGTech> twitter handle, retweet, tag and like our posts, as you find appropriate, in order to help spread the word on Universal Acceptance.

Thank you,

 Audrey Fery-Forgues
ICANN Global Communications Coordinator
Email: Audrey.feryforgues at icann.org<mailto:Audrey.feryforgues at icann.org>

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