[UA-discuss] Mozillaʼs Pontoon

Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk
Fri Mar 9 11:01:17 UTC 2018

PS. If you are seeing Pontoon in a language you are not expecting it is because of your browser preferred languages settings.

In my firefox settings I had en, ko,.... and I saw the landing page in Korean. Pontoon currently ignores en. I then changed my settings to en-GB,ko,... and I then saw Pontoon landing page in English.

This makes perfect sense as there are differences between English in different countries. It would be really cool to have an en-TT (Trinidad & Tobago) localisation of uasg.tech<http://uasg.tech>

André Schappo

On 9 Mar 2018, at 10:34, Andre Schappo <A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk<mailto:A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk>> wrote:

Today, I discovered Mozillaʼs Pontoon which facilitates webpage content translation in place ➜ pontoon.mozilla.org<http://pontoon.mozilla.org/>

Seems to me this would be a good mechanism to get uasg.tech<https://uasg.tech/> translated into multiple languages

André Schappo

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