[UA-discuss] Mixing between RTL and LTR scripts

Andrew Sullivan ajs at anvilwalrusden.com
Thu May 10 18:30:18 UTC 2018

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 06:19:42PM +0000, Don Hollander wrote:
> Andrew, is this possible?   If so, how do we go about getting such underway?

Write an Internet-Draft and upload it to the Internet-Drafts
repository and get some review.  My bet is that this will either have
to be AD sponsored or Independent Submission, but maybe it can go
through one of the area working groups.

The first trick is to get the I-D written, though.  There are a lot of
tools for this, none of them very friendly.  Many people like


Andrew Sullivan
ajs at anvilwalrusden.com

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