[UA-discuss] [Ua-comms-wg] Experts, organisations come together to build Indian language Internet

Sivasubramanian M 6.Internet at gmail.com
Thu May 17 20:21:27 UTC 2018

Despite the challenges I reaching decision makers, this is good progress by
India. Congratulations Ram.

Sivasubramanian M

On Thu, May 17, 2018, 4:13 PM Gwen Carlson <gwen.carlson at icann.org> wrote:

> Fantastic, Ram!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 17, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Ram Mohan <rmohan at afilias.info> wrote:
> From today’s newspaper update in India, where I am for a couple of days.
> Could not let the opportunity slip to speak a bit about Universal
> Acceptance.
> -Ram
> https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/technology/experts-organisations-come-together-to-build-indian-language-internet-2570653.html
> [moneycontrol.com]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.moneycontrol.com_news_technology_experts-2Dorganisations-2Dcome-2Dtogether-2Dto-2Dbuild-2Dindian-2Dlanguage-2Dinternet-2D2570653.html&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=eiP-VwxQmiVnPAq2z4nnqrlUBD2WBTHpHG-mUT5aK8E&m=R2CobNk9twmaUMEbIdKQYJaow_BS8uvAzc89m3ynE9I&s=BSp_4UuZnUuLY18k34VSNqf3jHx4yV1o3qGdJg8iegg&e=>
> Stakeholders across the board are coming together to help build Indian
> language capability on the Internet, a complex problem in India given the
> diverse languages and scripts.
> The UASG (Universal Acceptance Steering Group) is a multi-stakeholder
> group under the aegis of the “telephone directory” of the Internet--
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
> It consists of members from more than 120 companies including Apple,
> GoDaddy, Google, Microsoft, governments and community groups.
> The work that UASG is doing will ensure, for example, that an email
> address in the Hindi script is identified as an email domain, and the
> receiver is able to see the emails sent from this address.
> “The biggest challenge is in reaching the decision makers,” said Ram
> Mohan, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Afilias, one
> of the world's most well-known technology service providers for Internet
> domains.
> Explaining why universal acceptance is important, Mohan said an investment
> in the local languages is about making sure that all applications,
> operating systems, chat applications and social media applications are able
> to recognise what a new domain name is.
> Mohan noted it is particularly important as even if one types out an email
> address in the Hindi script it is identified as an email address and
> automatically underlined in blue. Similarly, if one is typing it in
> Microsoft word, it should automatically become a link. Mohan is also a
> Board member at ICANN.
> Last year, a study by Analysys Mason found that online revenue opportunity
> in enabling local languages was a $9.8 billion growth opportunity.
> Go get around the issue of reaching decision makers, Afilias has partnered
> with the Internet and Mobile Association of India and the National Internet
> Exchange of India.
> “We worked with Google and Gmail has completed their programme. It
> completely accepts internationalised email now. We are also in the middle
> of working with Microsoft to have Outlook also support Indic languages,”
> said Mohan.
> Over the past couple of years, there has been an increased focus on
> voice-based technology for search and other products. Big technology
> companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, all have their voice assistants.
> There is also talk of domain names losing their relevance in the world of
> curated content when people seldom type out entire web addresses.
> “I have so much hope in the future of voice in Internet technology. It
> will solve stuff on the input side,” said Mohan.
> For instance, if you tell Cortana or Siri or Alexa to send an email to an
> address with letters in Hindi, it may not understand this is an email
> address. If you say ram at mohan.com, it will know. UASG is looking at
> sorting out these issues.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ram Mohan
> Executive Vice President & CTO
> Afilias [afilias.info]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.afilias.info_&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=eiP-VwxQmiVnPAq2z4nnqrlUBD2WBTHpHG-mUT5aK8E&m=R2CobNk9twmaUMEbIdKQYJaow_BS8uvAzc89m3ynE9I&s=iGZXyxgqmDRvoS8QQmizEgOh3MouY-a_Hcz3RtO0-rw&e=>
> Ireland|Canada|USA|India|Australia|China
> (o) +1.215.706.5700 x103  (m) +1.215.431.0958  (f) +1.215.706.5701
> rmohan at afilias.info | Skype: gliderpilot30 | Twitter @rmohan123
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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