[UA-discuss] Draft Notes - UASG @ ICANN63 in Barcelona

Michael Casadevall michael at casadevall.pro
Tue Nov 6 06:40:26 UTC 2018

Took a brief look before going to bed; I'll review more in-depth in the
morning but I'd like to make an addition on hackathons. While it wasn't
directly in a UASG session, I started work on two projects both related
to IDNs at ICANN64, first of which was specifically what I call Root
Zone in a Box (https://github.com/NCommander/idn-root-zone) which allows
for simulation of any set of strings, IDN or not running any imaginable
service + DNSSEC. I intend to expand this project to have a set of
templates to install common services like Postfix, a certificate
authority provider, and mail clients so various combinations can be tested.

RZiaB currently is in working proof of concept, I can create a fake
internet root, sign it, and use it to get valid DNS requests and was
tested briefly with IDNs with a web browser, but I'm trying to nail down
a better set of requirements before working on it. This would allow us
to try anything can be imagined even before its added to the right
(i.e., EAIs mixing multiple code points on a domain with right to left
and left to right levels). This could easily be expanded into a
regression test system for EAIs as well.

I also have started work on what I call DNSCatcher
(https://github.com/NCommander/dnscatcher), which is a DNS debugging
tool; while it's not focused on IDNs like RZiaB, Catcher is designed to
determine what a DNS resolver is doing and confirm nothing is getting
managed in flight. Both are in the proof of concept stage although I
have a solid direction on the later.

Both these projects came directly out of discussions at ICANN63 (on root
zone behavior and IDNs specifically).

On 11/5/18 9:51 AM, Don Hollander wrote:
> Please find attached the draft notes from the UASG events during the
> ICANN63 meeting in Barcelona.
> Correction and adjustments for those there would be most welcome indeed.
> Don
> Don Hollander
> Secretary General – UASG
> Skype: Don_Hollander
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