[UA-discuss] UASG @ ICANN63

richaduttsharma richaduttsharma at protonmail.com
Mon Oct 8 05:10:28 UTC 2018

During this session we would be keen to know that, what is the active involvement of all UA Ambassadors and their contribution till now for UA initiative and to spread its awareness? How much fund is been invested by each UA Ambassadors and what is the return from these UA Ambassadors?

As Asia is one of the biggest region for UA what UASG has done to have more UA Ambassadors in this region, how many applications have been received by UASG from the candidates who wish to volunteer as UA Ambassadors and how many are been approved till now after the initial announcement made by UASG of current listed UA Ambassadors.

From: "Don Hollander" <don.hollander at gmail.com>
To: <ua-discuss at icann.org>
Subject: [UA-discuss] UASG @ ICANN63
Date: 08 Oct 2018 01:51:43 AM

The following is for your calendars:

Friday, 19 October 2018

9:00 – 16:00 – Room 131/132

UASG Workshop

- This is a working session where we’ll cover a range of topics
- 9:00 – Introduction – Ram
- 9:15 – Update & Financials – Don
- 9:30 – UA Communications
- 10:30 – Break
- 10:30 – EAI
- 11:30 – The UASG & Others
- Noon - Break
- 13:00 – UA Local Initiatives
- 13:30 – UA Ambassadors
- 14:00 – UA & Software Community
- 15:00 –  UA Future Structure
- 15:30 – Summary

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

13:30 – 15:00 – Room 134

UASG Public Forum

- Introduction – Ram
- Communications – Lars & Christian
- EAI - Ajay
- General Update – Don
- Q & A
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