[UA-discuss] Good news, everyone - announcing Exchange Server 2019 with EAI support

Andre Schappo A.Schappo at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Oct 23 11:36:43 UTC 2018

Good News😀

Taking the relevant blog sentence: "We are also adding support for routing mail to and from EAI/IDN recipients and hope to add additional capabilities in this area in the future."

The way I interpret that sentence is "We are in the process of adding support for ..." rather than "We have added support for..."

Additional capabilties: Do you have a roadmap and timetable for addition of capabilities, such as, creation of EAI accounts?

André Schappo

On 22 Oct 2018, at 22:47, Mark Svancarek (CELA) via UA-discuss <UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:UA-discuss at icann.org>> wrote:


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