[UA-discuss] interesting to note about emoji in mailbox name.

Lars Steffen lars.steffen at eco.de
Fri Apr 12 07:28:19 UTC 2019

Thank you Roberto. We had the last extensive discussion about emojis on this mailing list exactly one year ago. I consider emojis as a very small part of the Universal Acceptance complex – if at all. The UASG is currently working on an update of its strategic plan and strategic objectives. Emojis are not included. Neither in the plan, nor in the objectives. I´d highly appreciate if the UASG leadership would keep this in mind when starting new discussion threads. The UASG will keep struggeling to achieve its goals if we repeatedly allocate time and resources on niche phenomena that are not even in scope.
Thank you

Von: UA-discuss <ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> im Auftrag von Roberto Gaetano <roberto_gaetano at hotmail.com>
Datum: Freitag, 12. April 2019 um 02:38
An: Asmus Freytag <asmusf at ix.netcom.com>
Cc: Universal Acceptance <ua-discuss at icann.org>
Betreff: Re: [UA-discuss] interesting to note about emoji in mailbox name.

I am a bit puzzled by this discussion.
I wonder whether we should apply a simple consideration: while universally accepting different scripts is something that is needed by parts of the internet user population to effectively and fully benefit of the Internet, this is not really the case for supporting emoji.
In simple words, while this can be a fascinating technical problem, its solution does not address a primary need of the average internet user but just some vanity need (at best) of some internet users. I am not saying that we should not study it, but I would argue that it has a far lower priority.
Just my 2c

On 11.04.2019, at 19:20, Asmus Freytag <asmusf at ix.netcom.com<mailto:asmusf at ix.netcom.com>> wrote:

On 4/11/2019 12:10 AM, Dr Ajay Data wrote:
Some Interesting things to note:

I am testing with Two working Valid Email Address with heart shape..
❤@data.in and ♥@data.in

( ❤ - xn--qei    and    ♥ - xn--g6h )

When I receive email from the above ID`s, In mobile devices these above hearts are shown in different red shades.
However If I send email to Gmail / Outlook, they consider this as  Spam.  Not only spam, Gmail displays the following warning. -
This message seems dangerous
I tend to agree with these mail providers.
Emoji have no place is security relevant contexts because their rendering is far from standardized and unless magnified, they can be hard to recognize. Also, users have no good idea whether related shapes might exist or not, so any deviation would be attributed to non-standard rendering and most likely accepted.
Finally, many emoji involve sequences that may be displayed by some fall-back means on devices that do not happen to support them. This makes emoji similar to complex scripts, but that danger is underappreciated by many people because emoji have an emotional appeal and appear accessible because the are cute.
They are dangerous in identifiers.

The sender’s email address uses abnormal characters, which might be used to spoof real addresses. Avoid clicking links, downloading attachments, or replying to this message.

Probably, we need to discuss this too and have our views around it.

Dr. Ajay Data
Founder & CEO



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