[UA-discuss] [Ext] uasg.tech

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Wed Jan 9 23:44:46 UTC 2019

Thanks Tex.

  1.  No, I haven’t seen anything from you regarding Gwen’s promotion, but you did respond to Asmus yesterday.  And I don’t see anything waiting moderation.
  2.  There’s a ‘Get Involved’ button in a couple of places in the front page.  That takes you to a contact page.  There is someplace that let’s you sign up to the list directly – but that takes you to the ICANN MailMan page.
  3.  The shop was from the very very early days.   Never used.   I think that will come down
  4.  We’re reviewing our document naming conventions.
  5.  We’ve got a wee project to review the website generally and will cover these topics

Thanks for going through things.


From: Tex <textexin at xencraft.com>
Sent: Thursday, 10 January 2019 12:11 PM
To: ua-discuss at icann.org; Don Hollander <don.hollander at icann.org>
Cc: textexin at xencraft.com
Subject: [Ext] uasg.tech

I didn’t see my last email commenting on Gwen’s promotion come back to me from the list, so I wonder if it went out.
Don, maybe you can let me know if you saw it.

Separately, I can’t find a reference to this e-mail list on the uasg.tech web site. Perhaps it should be mentioned so people interested in promoting UA might join the group.

Also, I was surprised to see a shop menu item. The item takes you off the site without a warning that you are leaving the uasg.tech domain.
I don’t think that is a good practice.

Also, I am not sure that the clothing items offered help our evangelism more than merchandising undermines our credibility.
I don’t recall it being discussed by the group.


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