[UA-discuss] [UA-EAI] Request for review: Report on Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of E-mail Addresses, 2019

Marc Blanchet marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca
Fri Jul 12 19:15:31 UTC 2019

On 12 Jul 2019, at 15:06, John R. Levine wrote:

>> Please find attached a recent study undertaken on the request of UASG 
>> on the Global Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of E-mail 
>> Addresses 2019, for your review and feedback.
>> Please send your feedback on 
>> ua-discuss at icann.org<mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org> list (visit 
>> https://uasg.tech/subscribe to subscribe) by 29 July. We look forward 
>> to your input.
> As I understand it, the tests checked whether a web form accepted an 
> address, but it didn't check whether the site could actually send mail 
> to that address.  There's a lot of places where EAI mail can fail 
> between the browser and the recipient's MTA, so the report should make 
> it clear that the percentages reported are an upper bound, with the 
> actual numbers likely being somewhat less.

agreed. I wrote similarly in a email sent almost at the same time as 

> With respect to the HTML5 pattern for e-mail addresses, I have talked 
> to people in WHATWG about it.  That pattern is correct for ASCII 
> addresses and it's not going to change to an EAI pattern because that 
> would lead to web sites with ASCII mail systems accepting addresses to 
> which they can't send mail.  They would be open to adding a new 
> "eaimail" input type that accepts EAI addresses, to allow an easy 
> upgrade when sites have EAI capable back ends.
> Nothing is going to happen in WHATWG until one of their large members 
> says they'll implement it which hasn't happened.  I've made some 
> inquiries and gotten polite responses, but I can't do much more since 
> I have no funding.

done back in september, Firefox seems to support, while others were not 


> Regards,
> John Levine, johnl at iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for 
> Dummies",
> Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. 
> https://jl.ly
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