[UA-discuss] Request for review: Report on Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of E-mail Addresses, 2019

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Mon Jul 15 20:08:50 UTC 2019

On Mon, 15 Jul 2019, Marc Blanchet wrote:
> well, if one puts <input type=‘email’>, then the browser is involved.
> And my current basic tests on my platform show that none of them accepts EAI.
>> Every browser in the past decade has
>> enough UTF-8 support to allow sites to input EAI addresses.
> if one puts <input type=‘text’>, then browser accepts utf8

Oh, OK.  Now we're back to getting one of the WHATWG members to be 
interested enough to add EAI support.

John Levine, john.levine at standcore.com
Standcore LLC

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