[UA-discuss] Farewell

nitin nitin at xgenplus.com
Wed May 22 15:26:42 UTC 2019

Dear DonThank you for everything. Your contribution to UASG is commendable. Wish you all the best for your future endeavors.
-------- Original message --------From: Don Hollander <don.hollander at icann.org> Date: 22/05/2019  09:42  (GMT+05:30) To: ua-discuss at icann.org Subject: [UA-discuss] Farewell 

A short note to say that after more than four years of active and direct involvement with the Universal Acceptance Steering Group I am stepping down as the Secretary General at the end of the month.
I have been keen to do this for quite some time and the group now has a very detailed (nearly 100) set of actions for the next year and the newly elected leadership are well established.
The administration of the program will be supported going forward by ICANN’s Sarmad Hussain who has been closely involved since the ICANN Board included Universal Acceptance as one of its five strategic objectives last year.
So many people who have been along for the ride for so long to thank. 

The UASG will issue a formal announcement in due course and ICANN will issue a blog in the next couple of months about their vision of Universal Acceptance.
Anyone who wants to contact me can reach me at 
kōrero at ngāpukapuka.nz 
Don Hollander
Secretary General – UASG
Skype: Don_Hollander

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