[UA-discuss] UASG.tech blog - Global Evaluation of Websites

Jane Sexton jane.sexton at icann.org
Mon Oct 14 19:40:22 UTC 2019

Hi All –

Last week we published a blog by Mark Datysgeld on the results of the Global Evaluation of Websites for Acceptance of E-mail Addresses in 2019 (UASG025).

You can read the blog on uasg.tech here: https://uasg.tech/2019/10/are-the-worlds-top-websites-truly-accessible-for-global-audiences/

And if possible, please share on your social platforms or retweet our Twitter post here: https://twitter.com/UASGTech/status/1183721628707905539

Jane Sexton
Communications Coordinator, Global Domains Division
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: +1 310 570 7293
Slack: jane.sexton

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