[UA-discuss] [UA-Tech] Announcing the UA Tech WG leadership

Sylvia Mantri sylviamantri at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 06:10:07 UTC 2019

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group is a community-based team
working has a proven commitment to accountability and transparency in all
of its practices in historical years. It has external as well as internal
accountabilities. In recent times the contemporary decision including the
selection of WG chairs is absolutely against the base fundamentals. The
opinion of community members is absolutely been neglected in recent times.
WG community members conveyed superlative support for Dessalegn to be chair
of this WG. Leadership should have satisfy WG community members on facts
before reaching on such prejudiced pronouncement. With unrelenting
brashness and nepotism there will not be any future of community and WG
members voice in UASG.


On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 6:17 PM Sarmad Hussain <sarmad.hussain at icann.org>

> Dear UA tech WG members,
> We are pleased to announce, on behalf of the UASG leadership team, the
> following chair appointments for the UA Technology WG:
>    - Chair:                    Satish Babu
>    - Vice-chair:           Dessalegn Yehuala
> These chairs are appointed for a period of one year from 15 September
> 2019, as per the UA Technology WG charter.
> Regards,
> Sarmad
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