[UA-discuss] Reflections on Blogpost by Aman Masjide,

Don Hollander don.hollander at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 10:59:39 UTC 2022

I'm impressed with the effort that Radix has done to further test the UA
Readiness of various websites and I make the following comments:


1.	The UASG certainly used to take advantage of ICANN's help desk to
reach out to website owners that were not UA ready.   That could be another
avenue that Radix's customers could use.
2.	Has anyone recently done an inventory of the number of domain names
registered in the new (actually not so new anymore) gTLD space and IDN
space?   Both registered and active?   That might be a useful metric to be
able to share with people.   Certainly for the nGTLDs this should be readily
available, possibly not so easy for the IDN ccTLDs.
3.	There was a study done early in the UASG's life that indicated there
were billions of dollars that could be leveraged if websites and
applications were UA Ready.  Is it worth either revisiting that work or
creating something akin afresh?
4.	EAI Support

a.	There are a number of solutions that can support Level 1 EAI - that
is they can send to and receive from EAI addresses.   Does the UASG have a
list of these?   I didn't find it in a quick look.
b.	There still seem to be very few solutions that can support Level
EAI - Hosting an EAI address.   And I'm not sure how popular these are nor
am I sure whether any of these are Open Source.  (UASG030PPT was my
reference).  It would be handy for me as I choose the infrastructure for new
websites - something I could point my ISP to read.
c.	I would continue to urge the UASG/ICANN to underwrite the most
popular open source solutions to become EAI Ready.   CNNIC did this with
mailman (I think) and COREmail even before the UASG existed!


Thinking about the continued fine work that ya'll are doing and cheering you
on from the very deep south which is currently in the middle of winter.



Kindest regards to all.



Don Hollander


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